Eco-Friendly Family

Teach me please!!

Hi, I am looking for suggestions on how to live healthier, but without breaking the bank. I'm looking to drastically lower my family's exposure to chemicals, through food, bath/body products, etc. I've already been buying organic food when I can (so expensive!). ANY suggestions would be helpful... Ideas, products to try/make, etc. thanks a bunch!
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Re: Teach me please!!

  • Small steps!

    Prioritize what area is the most important and tackle that one first. If you want to reduce your chemical exposure don't just throw away everything you already have, especially if you are on a budget, instead as your current pro
  • My first steps were going "no paper" in our kitchen.  I got some inexpensive white washcloths (that can be bleached when necessary) and a kitchen wetbag.  Can't even begin to tell you how much money we've saved on paper towels.  I also star
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  • imageSteph&Harry08:
    Food: Buy organic produce prioritizing from the "dirty dozen and clean fifth teen" list. Plant a smal
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  • There are a lot of old fashioned "green" cleaners out there. White vinegar is the most popular as a sanitizer, deodorizer and whitener-- it's also really inexpensive at $2 and change a gallon.  If the "pickle smell" bothers you, you can make your own
  • This is fabulous advice so far! Keep it coming! I do try to reuse plastic stuff/not use as frequently. I am familiar with the dirty/clean produce, so I need to keep up with that. There is a local biweekly farmers market that runs through the summer. I'

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  • imageMeery82:

     There is a local biweekly farmers market that runs through the summer. I've never been and I plan on going this

  • These are some great ideas. Thanks for sharing!
  • Sounds like you live somewhere near St. Louis too! Most Schnucks grocers have a wide selection of organic veggies and Full Circle products. Even our Aldi stores (owners of Trader Joe's) have organic items. If you eat meat, look for a lo

  • imageMdWestMom:

    Sounds like you live somewhere near St. Louis too! Most Schnucks grocers have a wide selection of o

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  • imageduskydelysh:
    There are a lot of old fashioned "green" cleaners out there. White vinegar is the most popular as a sanitizer, de
    BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Switching over to non toxic cleaners and body care products have been much easier on my wallet, and I'm using the money saved to buy more organic produce. I use baking soda and vinegar to clean most things. Diluted castille soap is what we use for hand
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