Attachment Parenting

Bedsharing with a 1 month old

Hi there ladies! First off, how on Earth did I not know this board existed!? lol. Quick intro: I'm a 25 year old mama of 2 (almost 3 year old girl and a 4 1/2 week old boy). Due to medical reasons, I EP, but both my kids have/are fed breast milk only. My number 1 fashion accessory is my son as I am a proud babywearer! We bed shared with my daughter until she turned 15 months and we are now bed sharing with our newborn son.

So here is my issue/question: My son sleeps on my chest at night and in his vibrating bouncy seat or my moby wrap during the day. I remember my DD slept on my chest for what seemed like forever, but I honestly can't remember when she outgrew this and started sleeping next to me at night (she still sleeps on me if DS isn't during the day lol) I think he may be dealing with some minor reflux because he will not sleep flat on his back and even at an incline he can't sleep. I don't mind him on my chest at all (I sleep proped up at a steep incline anyway) but I would like for him to get used to sleeping on his back or side next to me too. 

If any of you went through this sleeping-on-your-chest phase with your newborn, when or did they grow out of it? Or how did you get them to sleep next to you instead?

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Re: Bedsharing with a 1 month old

  • Do you have a cradle/papasan swing?  DS slept best on my chest, too, curled up a bit in the froggy position.  We started having him take naps in his swing, which I think got him used to being on his back yet still provided the close womb-li

    DD 12/20/99, DS 12/14/12, M/C 9/2014, M/C 1/2015

  • Chest sleeping expert right here :) DD1 took a while before she was comfortable sleeping off of my chest and next to me, about ten weeks.  DD2 was much easier to transition.  Around three weeks she was fine by my side. 

    I di

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