So right now, I am listening to my daughter over the monitor and she has a definite bad cough/wheeze. She was congested all day, but didn't really cough unless she was upset and the congestion built up and then it was like she couldn't breathe. However now that she is laying down--even though I tried to elevate her, she has a rattling breath--and when she was sleeping a couple of times, she got upset that she couldn't find her pacifier and her cough was incredibly bad.
I am obviously calling the pedi first thing in the AM to try to bring her in. Right now she has a humidifier on, plus a cool room and vicks baby rub. However, I am debating about bringing her into our room & our bed to sleep.
She is still in a crib, and we don't have a pack 'n play here-so it would have to be our bed. She has only once slept in our bed with us--on vacation, so it isn't something that she is used to.
Would would you do?
Re: Being sick & sleeping in our room question
So I went to take her in our room. And of course when I walked in the room there was absolutely NO sign of congestion/wheezing/rattling--anything. She did use her stuffed animal as a pillow--so I am wondering if that is helping her.
I think
We got into the doctor's this morning--besides a sinus infection, she also has an ear infection. Her chest is clear though--I was worried about croup, bronchitis or pneumonia.
She did sleep in her room last night, once she settled down--her