Attachment Parenting

Good carrier or wrap for breastfeeding on the go?

Hey all!

I EBF and would LOVE to find a carrier/wrap that would allow me to discretely BF handsfree so I can do things like fold the laundry or even go grocery shopping (one person told me she did this - not sure how common or easy this is ??)

Has anyone successfully done this? If so, what kind of wrap/carrier did you use? I am specifically interested in one that would work for an 8 wk old small (10 lb) baby but would ideally last through the first year.


Re: Good carrier or wrap for breastfeeding on the go?

  • It's harder to do with a really young baby. By 4-5 months, I could just lower him in the Ergo and nurse on the go - but baby needs head control and a love of the boob for that to work. With a younger baby, it typically works better in a wrap (moby or wove
  • I agree with pp. i have a boba 3G and I though I could bf discreetly in it but not yet. I saw YouTube videos and most babies that were able to do this were a bit bigger . I think they're still an awesome investment but might take some time to bf discreetl


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  • I can do it in my Maya Wrap ring sling.  I have nursed DD in so many places - Target shopping, at DS's birthday party in an indoor bouncy house/play space while chasing my DD#1 around so she wouldn't hurt herself, in a restaurant, etc.  It to

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  • I semi-successfully did it in my Beco Gemini one time...but I think my boobs just aren't big enough, or the baby's head was just too far up (I'm very short torsoed) for it to work well.
  • I personally find a ring sling easiest to nurse in because you can basically do a cradle carry.  I actually don't like nursing in other carries (where you do the drop down method) as I'm very small chested and long torsoed - by the time I get baby in
  • I used to nurse in the Ergo a lot (dropped it lower and threw a thin blanket over the hood to hide the side openings if needed). Couldn't do it until we had head control. With a toddler to chase after, it was a must!
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  • It is possible to nurse in any kind of carrier (well, maybe not a framed hiking one, LOL), but my fave is a woven wrap. It is  so supportive and versatile. I started nursing DS1 in one at 5 weeks and DS2 on day 1.
  • I've had success breastfeeding in the Moby, Pikkolo, Ergo, and Mei-tai, but not until he was 4 months and had some more head control.   That being said, maybe it's the size of my breasts, but I've never been able to go completely hands-free.&nbs
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  • I am a big fan of woven wraps. They are the most versatile. You can wear a newborn or toddler in so many different ways and can nurse in it just as you would in a ring sling. And IMO they are the most comfortable. 
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  • imagetokenhoser:
    It's harder to do with a really young baby. By 4-5 months, I could just lower him in the Ergo and nurse on the go
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  • imagejackiesue586:
    I am a big fan of woven wraps. They are the mostnbsp;versatile. You can wear a newborn or toddler in so many differen
  • imagelaura1:
    I can do it in my Maya Wrap ring sling. nbsp;I have nursed DD in so many places nbsp;Good luck!nbsp;
  • I like didymos brand but its just my preference. there are so many different types and different materials. I like linen blends because they dont get so hot in the summer. And the size really depends on your size and what kind of carries you want.

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  • imagejollyjess:
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    "The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing." Psalm 23:1
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