September 2013 Moms

So much for being a part of Team Green...

We went for our regular midwife appointment this afternoon and everything was going pretty well until the MW tried to find the heartbeat using the doppler. I have an anterior placenta which can make it difficult if the baby is hiding behind it, but she tried for a good 15 minutes and nothing. I was starting to freak out a little bit because it had been several days since I'd felt any movement from LO (yes I know this is normal b/c it's so early) but still you can't help but freak out a little. 

She suggested we take a quick peek on the ultrasound so the tech took us back and the first thing we see is baby in head down position with the little legs wide open and kicking. She says "aww your little GIRL is proudly showing her stuff!!". I immediately blurted out "OMG we didn't want to know the sex." Of course she was profusely apologetic and told us that once the patient has the A/S they put a green sticker on the chart to indicate that the parents are team green. Since we had an unplanned u/s before the a/s they hadn't put the sticker there yet. 

Oh well, so much for waiting until delivery. Of course we are bummed about finding out but holy crap we are having a GIRL. We are completely shocked and so happy. We were both sure it was going to be another boy that I wasn't even prepared for a girl. Now that we know I will go ahead a do a "girl themed" nursery and cute girly clothes, but will keep the rest of the gear very neutral still. 

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Re: So much for being a part of Team Green...

  • Oh, no!!!  At least you know little girl is doing well in there, though!  We weren't planning to be team green, but also assumed we'd be having another boy and are super surprised to be team pink.  Congrats!
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  • Awwww, sorry you found out when you wanted to wait.

    congrats on team pink.  Might I suggest going out and buying an adorably sweet little girl outfit to make up for finding out early? 

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  • Big Oooppss!! I bet she felt terrible! Sorry she messed up your plans, but hooray for good news and a little girl!
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  • That really stinks.  However, congrats on the girl!
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  • bexsdbexsd member
    bahh, frustrating. but yay!
  • lol!!! oopsss!!! Congrats and Welcome to team Pink!
  • stinky but yay for girly themes
    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
  • Oh bummer :-( Sorry this happened but glad everything is ok with baby girl. This is exactly why I could never be an u/s tech. I would worry that I would spill the beans accidentally and I would feel so bad :-(


  • Oh no!  I'm so sorry the surprise was ruined, but YAY for a little girl!  Congratulations!


    We said goodbye to our sweet Taylor Ashley on August 8, 2012.We lost baby Noelle on May 1, 2015

    Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!
  • I'm sorry you found out today. The poor tech must feel awful. Yay for pink frilly things though!!
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  • I'm sorry for not being able to find out the way you had planned but my heart also just melted at the surprise of having a little girl. What a mix of emotions that would have been. Congratulations on your little girl!
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  • if ever there was a happy mistake, it's that. Congrats on your little girl! They are amazing!!
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  • That poor tech, she is going to be thinking about that for a while! Congratulations to you guys though!!
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  • Boo for not being able to find out when you wanted to. But congrats on your baby girl!
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  • Congratulations on your healthy girl!

    But I'd be SO mad if I were you. We are team green. That is just so wrong. Not everyone wants to know! She should have asked first because it was not an a/s yet. 

    We pre-empted this for our NT scan

    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Sorry you aren't team green anymore.  If it makes you feel any better, we are finding out the sex but I am still planning on everything very gender neutral.  I am painting the nursery a very pastel green and the theme will be jungle animals whic

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  • Oh no, I'm so sorry. I agree, a happy mistake, but still disappointing. I'd be pretty upset of that happened too. You can still keep it a secret from everyone else though! If you want. I'm glad everything is ok, congrats on your girl!
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  • awww..bummer, but Congrats! you are having a sweet little girl.
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