I saw the thread for Dear MIL and LOVED IT! I am blessed to not have any problems with my MIL, but my step mom is driving me insane. She's only been dating my daddy for a year and this is the... stuff... I hear daily. So here's my letter to her. Add yours for your coworker, SO, family member, whoever!! It feels awesome

Dear step mom,
have never had a child. You've never adopted a child. You've had
boyfriends that have kids. Big difference. You've been through a lot,
but NOTHING is the same as being a parent.
Just because you watched your
niece when she was a baby while your sister was at work does NOT mean
you know everything about being a parent.
Just because your niece was "such a good baby" and
"slept all through the night as soon as she was home" does not mean my
baby is not perfect if he doesn't.
Your cats are not exactly
like having a baby.
Just because your friend was "healed" and "fully
active" 4 days after labor, does not mean that I will be an attention
whore if I am not.
And just because you "walked a few days after ankle surgery when most
people can't walk for months" does not mean that everyone else is faking
If you tell me that I need to
stop eating or drinking something one more time, I swear I'm going to
slap you. I quit smoking the second I found out, I don't drink soda, I watch my sugar and sodium intake, and eat
fresh foods as often as possible.
Also, lecture my SO one more time and I'll have to go full on ninja on your .
I love you, and I'm about to duct tape your mouth.
MWAH! Kthx
*sigh* SO much better!! Now I wanna see some good letters!
Re: AW: Dear [insert everyone who thinks they know everything]:
Dear friend from high school who just had her 3rd child,
Please stop lecturing me about how I'm going to go into labor at 37 weeks because you did (with your third). I can pack my own hospital bag, you don't need to keep messaging me about
Dear Stepmother,
There is a reason I moved 750 miles away. You all are insane. Although H and I bought gma's farm and were planning on moving there within the next few years, tonight's little hysterical fit has made me question the soundness of t
You live 5 miles away. You have seen D a total of maybe 5 times since he was born. Your house is as far from childproof as you can get. You have no right to yell at him when he touches something and then in the same breath tell us tha
You do realize it won't actually kill you to bend down right? You also realize I'm not the file clerk and I'm 36wks pregnant and yet you still have the audacity to come to my desk, interrupt what I
You are an incompetent a.hole. You have been the worst possible person to go through this with. My house flooded over TWO MONTHS ago, during which we have been put out of our home, which is bad enough, but also trying to pre
We can't wait to meet our Blake Katherine!!