***April Showers Check-In***Welcome to the April Showers 2013 check-in!!! Check ins are every Monday and Thursday!This
is a check-in for those who are doing IVF or FET with an ER/ET
scheduled for April. If you are interested in joining, please fill us
in on your cycle below (# IVF cycle, where you are in the process,
relevant dates, etc.) Be sure to update along the way!
Your check-in leader for the month is: Megs3084
Siggy: IMG]
https://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg174/pixydust3084/April_V2.jpg[/IMG Just add end brackets to the front & back
QOTD: Do you have any fur babies? (or scale, feather etc) Bonus points for PIP
April Angels:
-megs3084 hysteroscopy & polypectomy 3/4
In the 2WW:
-PhillyJ33 for IUI #3
Between ER/ET:
-ecarabeo217 IVF#2.5 (ER in March)
Prep (BCP/Lupron/EPP):
-megs3084 IVF#3
-heath04angel IVF#1
-Moonaggie -DE fresh transfer
-JourneytoJoy07 FET
-HappyWifeMrsK IVF#2
-MJ14323 IVF#1
-rlk2 FET
Kathy4678 IVF#2
-jzab24 IVF#1
-KRoseToes IVF #2
-Lacyj67 IVF#3
-Katka512 IVF#1 stims 3/30
-Allisen86 IVF#1
-KariAnnM 23 IVF#1
-amb2013 FET
-vegasbound0606 FET
-flowerpower3 IVF#2
Waiting to Start Cycle:
-cupcake201 IVF#1.3 estrogen priming starts 1st week of april
-Balabusta IVF#1
-Nursecheryl81 FET#2
-Nursecheryl81 FET#2
"Everything will be alright in the end. So if it's not alright, it is not yet the end."
Me:29 DH:29 TTC since 1/11 Dx: unexplained IF/early DOR/immune issues
Feb'12- July'12-testing(all clear minus slight arcuate ute), 3 IUI with clomid all BFN
8/30IVF#1 Antagonist protocol- ER 9/11-8R, 7M, 5F.
ET 9/14 2 embies transferred. 1 10cell Grade 4, 1 8cell Grade 4. No frosties. BFN
IVF#2 Antagonist protocol plus baby aspirin- ER 12/5-16R, 12M, 8F!
ET 12/10 5dt! 1 fully expanded blast & 1 early blast. No frosties. BFN
3/13 hysteroscopy & polypectomy, Consulted w Dr. Kwak-Kim.
DX: High NK cells, cytokines, DHEAs& PAI1; hypothyroid, +APA, restricted bloodflow
7/13 IVF#3 Long lupron protocol with PIO, Crinone, Prometrium, and vivelle
(plus synthroid, metformin, baby asa, metanx, PNV, Vit E, D, calcium, fish oil, CoQ10, IVIg infusions and lovenox per Dr. Kwak-kim)
ER 7/19 14R, 11M, 9F(4 natural fert, 5 with ICSI)
ET 5dt 7/24 2 fully expanded blasts. SURPRISE 3 FROSTIES!!!
Beta #1 8/2 335!!!! Beta #2 829!!! 1st u/s 8/14 showed TWINS!!!!!
11/11: TEAM PURPLE!!!!!
3/21/14-L&W born at 37w via csection
Here Comes the Sun Blog
PAIF/SAIF welcome!
Re: **April Showers Check In**
We have 1 tiny fish who has been alive fo
Me: 29 ovulatory disorder
DH: 30 MFI - low everything
IUI #1: 11/5/12 BFN
December IUI cancelled due to cyst
IUI #2: 1/8/13 BFN
IVF in April 2013 transferred one beautiful blast on 4/13
Beta #1 4/22: BFP!! 33 Beta #2 54 Beta #3 70 Beta #4 83 Beta #5 105. Possible ectopic, MTX and M/C 5w4d
FET 6/21 - Beta #1: 79 BFP!! Beta #2: 253 U/S 7/12: saw the sac! U/S #2 7/19 great heartbeat of 127!! U/S #3 heartbeat of 154! U/S #4 graduated to OB
EDD 3/9/14
Me 28 DH 30
After 4+ years TTC
Me 28 DH 30
After 4+ years TTC
I have 2 fur babies. An 85 pound German shepherd/?lab mix and a brand new kitty I just got yesterday. My previ
3 Clomid IUIs -- BFNs
IVF #1 never made it to transfer
On "egg health" cocktail DHEA/CoQ10/FRC/Pregnitude/Melatonin
Starting IVF #2 for Feb 2013
Cancelled mid-cycle due to high P4 levels early on.
OCPs again for IVF 2.5 mid-March. IVF 2.5 transferred two "gorgeous" 5-day blasts and BFFN. Even REI is baffled
On indefinite hold until a huge stroke of serendipity led me to IVF 3 May 2014
Testing found positive cardiolipins/APS, now on lovenox and intralipid infusions
Transfer of 2 5-day blasts and (FINALLY) BFFP!! 1st ultrasound shows two sacs and two HB, but one is sluggish, almost expecting vanishing twin Subsequent ultrasound confirmed vanishing twin, but my other Little critter looks fantastic!
"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."
-- Margaret Thatcher
Nothing new to report- still in the 2WW for my IUI.
QOTD: Yes. I have 1 dog and 1 cat. I got my puppy right before my diagnosis and it was a great distraction- I couldn't have asked for better timing
Jan-March '13 3 IUIs Clomid + Trigger = BFN
He's Here! Arrived 4/15/14!!!!
September 2015 - FET with remaining embryos
Twins! EDD: 6/14/15
PAIF/SAIF Everyone welcome!
Guys, AF is still not here.
What the hell? The longest cycle I have ever had was last month which was 32 days and now this!
I go in again for a check tomorrow morn
TTC #1 since Jan 2012
IVF March/April 2013
I'm back on BCPs today in prep for my May cycle. I'll be calling my specialty pharm today to see about setting up med delivery. I also have my reproductive immunologist appt on Weds. Im a little nervous some of the testing might not b
Me:29 DH:29 TTC since 1/11 Dx: unexplained IF/early DOR/immune issues
8/30IVF#1 Antagonist protocol- ER 9/11-8R, 7M, 5F.
IVF#2 Antagonist protocol plus baby aspirin- ER 12/5-16R, 12M, 8F!
ET 12/10 5dt! 1 fully expanded blast & 1 early blast. No frosties. BFN
3/13 hysteroscopy & polypectomy, Consulted w Dr. Kwak-Kim.
ER 7/19 14R, 11M, 9F(4 natural fert, 5 with ICSI)
ET 5dt 7/24 2 fully expanded blasts. SURPRISE 3 FROSTIES!!!
Beta #1 8/2 335!!!! Beta #2 829!!! 1st u/s 8/14 showed TWINS!!!!!
3/21/14-L&W born at 37w via csection
Here Comes the Sun Blog
PAIF/SAIF welcome!
m/c #2 missed m/c discovered 12/11/08 @ 8w3d :: d&c 12/15/08
Feb 2009-began seeing an RE:: DX with unexplained IF
Sept 2009 -2010 TTC using femara ...eventually work called me out of town.
June 2011 DX with thyroid cancer-forced to put baby making on hold
11/15/12 IUI #1 BFN and 12/15/12 IUI #2 BFN
Feb 2013 IVF-BFN:: April 2013 FET-Cancelled:: July 2013 FET-1 frostie
Me:29 DH:29 TTC since 1/11 Dx: unexplained IF/early DOR/immune issues
8/30IVF#1 Antagonist protocol- ER 9/11-8R, 7M, 5F.
IVF#2 Antagonist protocol plus baby aspirin- ER 12/5-16R, 12M, 8F!
ET 12/10 5dt! 1 fully expanded blast & 1 early blast. No frosties. BFN
3/13 hysteroscopy & polypectomy, Consulted w Dr. Kwak-Kim.
ER 7/19 14R, 11M, 9F(4 natural fert, 5 with ICSI)
ET 5dt 7/24 2 fully expanded blasts. SURPRISE 3 FROSTIES!!!
Beta #1 8/2 335!!!! Beta #2 829!!! 1st u/s 8/14 showed TWINS!!!!!
3/21/14-L&W born at 37w via csection
Here Comes the Sun Blog
PAIF/SAIF welcome!
Started Lupron yesterday for my FET. Other than that it's pretty slow around here.
QOTD: I want a small, inside dog but my husband refuses. I will win this argument though. Until then, we have a beta, Paco. Let's se
m/c #2 missed m/c discovered 12/11/08 @ 8w3d :: d&c 12/15/08
Feb 2009-began seeing an RE:: DX with unexplained IF
Sept 2009 -2010 TTC using femara ...eventually work called me out of town.
June 2011 DX with thyroid cancer-forced to put baby making on hold
11/15/12 IUI #1 BFN and 12/15/12 IUI #2 BFN
Feb 2013 IVF-BFN:: April 2013 FET-Cancelled:: July 2013 FET-1 frostie
m/c #2 missed m/c discovered 12/11/08 @ 8w3d :: d&c 12/15/08
Feb 2009-began seeing an RE:: DX with unexplained IF
Sept 2009 -2010 TTC using femara ...eventually work called me out of town.
June 2011 DX with thyroid cancer-forced to put baby making on hold
11/15/12 IUI #1 BFN and 12/15/12 IUI #2 BFN
Feb 2013 IVF-BFN:: April 2013 FET-Cancelled:: July 2013 FET-1 frostie
thanks for pointing me here... it seems so overwhelming for me too. i have found it incredibly hard to give myself shots, but so far, so good.
good luck!
Started my Lupron on Friday and I have my saline test this Thursday. My nurse said that she will be placing the order for the rest of my meds today. It doesn't quite seem real yet. I'm sure once the other meds come in, it will hit me.
We ha
No update here. I go in tomorrow to see if my cyst is gone so we can start stimming next week. FX!
QOTD: Yes, we have 2 fur baby beagles...Albert and Daisie. They are our everything and I don't know what I would do without them.
TTC since Nov 2010 | Me: 29, DH: 31
DX - Severe DOR, Stage II Endo
6 rounds medicated TI, 3 failed IUIs, 2 failed IVFs
After nearly 4 years of trying, our 1st BFP on IVF #3 (5R, 3M, 3F, 3 day 5 blasts frozen)
FET - Beta #1 - 116, Beta #2 - 266!! 1st U/S on 10/6 - HB 121 and measuring perfectly! EDD 5/30/15
Everyone Welcome
Baseball, Beagles, Beer and Babies Blog
Nothing new to report, just waiting for AF to show up so we can start meds for FET #1.
We have 2 male chihuahuas and a male chihuahua mix. They are all terribly spoiled but they are so sweet and loving and faithful. We also have two female cats
BFP#1 1/31/12, EDD 10/6/12 Harrison Gray born sleeping @ 18w6d. You changed our lives little guy.
BFP#2 EDD 10/29/13, C/P 2/25/13, Bye little Ish, we barely got to know you.
BFP#3 EDD 12/21/13, Baby Boots born 11/23/13 My rainbow baby!
January PAL Siggy Challenge: Good Advice
April 2012:Varicocele embolization
IVF #1 July 2012: BFN
12/10/2012 Femara helped!
IVF# 2: Jan 2013 BFP, M/C 6weeks0days
5 frosties.
IVF #3 FET April 2013 BFP, M/C 7 weeks 0 days.
3 frosties
Hi April Showers sisters!
So far I'm still on 10 of the Lupron in the am. I stopped BCPs on Wednesday 3/20, AF came Sunday 3/24. I go in to RE tomorrow afternoon for monitoring and hopefully green light for stims! I've got the F
1st cycle of IVF w/ ICSI = started bcp's 8/2/12, lupron 8/22/12, stims 9/7/12,ER 9.20.12 ET 9/23/12 3dt 1 6A and 1 4B; Positive HPT 10/2/12, BFP Beta 10/3/12: 38!, 2nd Beta 10/5/12 28
IVF #2 w/ ICSI = bcp 3/1, ER/ET planned for the week of 4/8
I'm now on BCPs which makes me feel like I'm actually doing something Finally!
I have 3 Fur-Babies - 2 labs and a cat. They definitely make this whole roller coaster easier to handle.
QOTD: We have a dog and a guinea pig.
TTC since Sept. 2011
IUI#1 8/2012: BFN
IUI#2 9/2012: BFN
IUI#3 10/2012: BFN
IVF#1 (2 embryos transferred) 1/2013: BFN
IVF#2 (2 embryos transferred) 5/2013: BFP!!! EDD 1/24/14
Beta 1 (5/17) - 66.8 Beta 2 (5/21) - 341 Beta 3 (5/27) - 2771
1st u/s 6/7 - measuring right on track at 7 weeks with 144 bpm!
My Local Nestie Besties: JenniferLuvsCandy, MABride0808, thecuddleeffect, MrsHo1030
I went in for blood monitoring today. My RE raised my estrogen dosage to 3 pills and I am going in on Thursday for ultrasound and bloodwork. A lot will depend on that appointment but she is moving my estimated FET date up to Wednesday 4/3 f
9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
*Everyone welcome*
on day 3 of BCPs. Going for saline sonogram tomorrow morning.
Qotd: we have a 2 year old havanese who we spoil as much as possible. A wonderful breed and such a sweetie.
Can hardly believe next week is April! Praying for ea
Me:34 PCOS, one kinked tube, low thyroid.
DH:39 lower than average count.
Married 2006. 3 failed IUIs and countless BFNs.
~IVF#1: July 2012~
7/10 Retrieval: 16r, 14f w/ICSI. 7/15 ET: Transfered 2. 4 frosties.< Poas faint+ 4dp5dt.>
Beta#1 (8dp5dt): 138. Beta#2 (10dp5dt): 355.
u/s#1: (19dp5dt) 8/3/12 one sac, two yolks! Beta 8,000
u/s#2: two strong heartbeats! EDD 4/2/12
Boy/girl fraternal mono/di twins-- lost our sweet baby girl at 22 weeks due to SIUGR
Preterm labor at 23 weeks 4 days, lost our sweet baby boy.
Today I had an appointment for the infectious disease blood draw, SHG, and mock transfer. My SHG was clear last year, but they wanted to check everything was still good with the uterus after the D&C I had last summer. Everything looked good, so we
Nothing new this week. Still on BCP's till next Tuesday.
We have one fur baby, his name is Chandler. He is a black lab mix not sure what the mix is as he was a rescue.
I've barely abandoned the Lucky Ducks, and already I'm an April Shower.
This is my fourth and final IVF. Still trying for baby #1.
I will start stims ton
My BLOG: www.ivfbabyquest.wordpress.com -Update - old blog.
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
Me: 42, Hubby: 35, TTC since Jan 2010. Dx: DOR due to advanced maternal age. Also: Hypothyroidism (100mcg Levothyroxin). Positive for MTHFR (hetero-C677T), Factor V Leiden, and Fragile X (on DH side). Taking pre-natal vitamins.
First natural PG 9/27/11; mc: 1/20/12
First RE visit: 8/8/12, Saline Sonogram: 8/28/12, IVF injection class: 10/11/12, add FaBB Tab for FVL, +Vitamin D.
IVF #1: 10/17/12 Baseline: FSH- 9.4, E2- 24, LH- 3.7, Prog- 0.3 The u/s showed 6 follicles in my right & 9 in my left. Rx: 150 Bravelle & 150 Menopur SQ nightly. 10/21/12: Add Ganirelix SQ every morning.
ER 10/28/12: 13 Retreived. 7 Mature. 6 Fertilized. 5 Made it to PGS. ET 11/2/12: CANCELED. All 5 came back from PGS as having "severe abnormalities."
IVF #2: 1/7/13 Baseline: FSH- 8.8, 4 follicles in my right & 6 in my left. Rx: 150 Bravelle & 150 Menopur SQ nightly. 1/11/13: Add Ganirelix SQ every morning. hCG Trigger 1/16/13
ER 1/18/13: 9 Retrieved. 5 Mature. 5 Fertilized. 2 Made it to PGS. ET 1/23/13: CANCELED. All embryos (he even sent the ones not growing) came back from PGS as having "multiple severe abnormalities."
IVF #3: NEW RE! 3/1/13 Baseline: FSH- 9.6, E2- 61, Prog- 0.94, 3 follicles in my right & 4 in my left. Rx: 150 Bravelle& 150 Menopur SQ in PM. 3/7/13: Add Ganirelix SQ in AM. hCG Trigger 3/9/13 SQ.
ER 3/11/13: 6R, 2M, 2F. Day 3: one 8 cell, grade 0. Five day ET 3/16/13: one early blast, grade Fair. 3/24/13 AF came a day before beta. BFN
IVF #4: (Added acupuncture to this cycle.) 3/25/13 WTF & Baseline: FSH-11.8, E2- 56, Prog- 0.84 3/26/13 Start stims. 3/30/13 u/s: 5 follicles in my right & 4 in my left. Rx: 225 Bravelle& 225 Menopur SQ in PM. 3/31/13 Add Ganirelix SQ in AM.hCG Trigger 4/3/13 SQ.
ER 4/5/13: 5R, 3M, 3F naturally. Day 3: two 8 cell, grade 0, one 8 cell, grade 2 (Scale 0-best to 3-worst). Five day ET 4/10/13: two blastocysts (the 3rd stopped growing.) Beta 4/18/13: 2.5 BFFN. RE recommends we stop trying and focus on living childless, due to the extremely poor quality of my eggs.
***Decided to stop trying and live CFNBC. I couldn't adjust. So, six months later...
IVF #5: Changed RE. Going to one of the big name clinics now. OWDU: 10/29/13. Update: HORRIBLE experience. Disgusted and distraught at their complete unprofessionalism and how much money and precious time they cost us. Sickening. Have now changed RE again. New Patient appt. 1/30/14.
BFP! Out of nowhere, I got KU the old fashioned way! POAS 1/26/14 - Positive! FDLM 12/30/13. Beta #1 16dpo= 373. Beta #2 18dpo= 801. EDD 10/6/14
2/4/14 1st U/S revealed a 5wk2day sac but no fetal pole. Started 200mgs of progesterone suppositories daily
2/11/14 2nd U/S revealed a perfect 6wk1day "diamond ring" embryo with a beating heart! 138bpm! Add 1mg folic acid and 40mg Lovenox
2/25/14 3rd U/S: perfect 8w1d embryo, 178bpm. 3/6 start spotting. 3/11 10w1d U/S shows no heartbeat. Scheduling D&C. The Stork has forsaken me again.
IVF #5.2: New in-state RE. Supplement priming for 1.5 cycles prior to start of cycle, including DHEA 50mg (stopped 5/15), CoQ10 200mg 2x/day, L-Arginine- 1000mg 2x/day (stopped 6/5 due to cold sore!), myo-inositol- 2g 2x/day, melatonin- 3mg, and Neevo (prenatal for MTHFR).
5/16/14 Day 2 bw cycle prior: FSH- 12.22, E2- 38.37, Prog- 1.35, LH- 9.46. 6/2/14 Day 19 bw: Prog- 23
6/12/14 Baseline: E2- 122.7, Prog- 0.4. 5 follicles in left, 4 follicles in right. Start stims: 375IU Follistim & 150IU Menopur. 6/19 Increase Follistim to 425IU, Menopur still 150IU. 6/18 add Ganirelix. 6/23 Ovidrel trigger SQ. 6/25 ER: 8R, 8M, 5F naturally. Start Medrol & Doxy. 6/26 Start Endometrin. 7/2 Start Lovenox.
7/8/14 Beta= 137.4 BFP!!! (My first from IVF!) E2- 1109, Prog- >60. Stop CoQ10, myo-inositol, and melatonin. 7/9 2nd Beta= 281.4. TSH- 2.70. Increasing Synthroid to 100mcg daily. 7/24 6w3d u/s measured 6w3d, hb: 121bmp! 8/5 8w1d u/s measured 8w3d, hb: 164bpm! Graduated from RE to OB. Now I just need to find an OB!
EDD 3/18/15!
Hey! I would love to join your group! My name is Lorenn and I am in the process of my first FET. I did had my very first ER in February but did not do a transer because I had PGS testing done on my 5 day old embryos. You can see in my siggy
May I join your thread?
I'm currently waiting for an FET. This is IVF #1 but had OHSS after retrieval so transfer was postponed. Had 27 eggs at retrieval in Feb and ended up with 11 snow babies. I'm in my second week of the 1 month Lupron I
Well, it looks like AF will be here tonight or tomorrow, so I will be starting my BCP's very shortly! I finally got my extremely tentative schedule:
BCP's until April 14th
Baseline US April 15th
Stims April 19th-29th
September 2016- Surprise BFP without medical assistance! New Baby due June 2017!
I enjoyed reading all of your posts today - my first time on here since IVF #1.
It has been a roller coaster this past year. We finally made the decision to do DE with a fresh transfer!! We are so excited - we are c
Me:37 (DOR), DH: 40 (Normal) TTC #1 since Fall 2010
2010-2012 - 7 rounds of Clomid, 4 IUI & 2 IVF - all BFN (2 chemical pregnancies)
April 2013 fresh DEgg - 15R, 4F, 2 transferred = BFN.
FET - 11/13
Beta #1 11/23 = 247; Beta #2 11/25 = 538; Beta #3 11/29 = 5481 BFP!!!!!
U/s #1 12/7 & U/s #2 12/16 = One perfect little heart beat!!
EDD = 8/1/14
Hope is the thing with feathers - that perches in the soul - and sings the tune without the words - and never stops - at all - (Emily Dickinson)
Me:37 (DOR), DH: 40 (Normal) TTC #1 since Fall 2010
2010-2012 - 7 rounds of Clomid, 4 IUI & 2 IVF - all BFN (2 chemical pregnancies)
April 2013 fresh DEgg - 15R, 4F, 2 transferred = BFN.
FET - 11/13
Beta #1 11/23 = 247; Beta #2 11/25 = 538; Beta #3 11/29 = 5481 BFP!!!!!
U/s #1 12/7 & U/s #2 12/16 = One perfect little heart beat!!
EDD = 8/1/14
Hope is the thing with feathers - that perches in the soul - and sings the tune without the words - and never stops - at all - (Emily Dickinson)
Got room for one more? Looks like I'm going to be an April Showers for IVF 1.3 (maybe 3rd cycle's a charm?).
I requested a new RE within the practice so that I'm seeing the one who does most of the morning monitoring appts. Hopefully
i thought i posted in this thread the other day, but can't find it....