Working Moms

Resume dilemma--did I blow it?

I found a fantastic job posting last week, and since it had been up for nearly a month, I rushed to pull together a cover letter and resume to submit. I got a quick note the next day acknowledging the receipt of the resume and letting me know that they would begin making decisions for interviews in the next month (so my rush wasn't entirely necessary).

Over the weekend, I had this realization that I really should have reformatted my resume to put relevant experience at the top. The job is a teaching job, and while I've taught previously, I've been in education jobs outside of a shcool for several years. I did cal out my teaching experience in my cover letter, but I'm worried that since it's not separated at the top of my resume it will be easy to overlook. My qualifications are a great match for this job, and I'd be so disappointed if somehow this took me out of consideration.

Would you ever send a revised resume and ask them to discard the previuos one? I've been  looking up advice on job websites, but I thought I'd see if any HR folks or hiring managers had any recommendations. Thanks so much!

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Re: Resume dilemma--did I blow it?

  • Personally I feel like submitting a revised resume is just as bad, if not worse.  It screams of someone who lacks attention to detail or something similar.  I think that you would stand out more (in a bad way) by doing this than by leaving it as
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • That was totally my first assumption until I saw a few articles on job sites saying how you could go about sending in a new one. I'm just kicking myself because this was such a PERFECT opportunity in so many ways. Is there any chance that they'll actually
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  • imagekkntim07:
    That was totally my first assumption until I saw a few articles on job sites saying how you could go about sending i


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • AZ123AZ123 member
    Instead of worrying about the resume (too late now), I'd spend your efforts trying to find someone you know through networking that works at that school's office and can put in a good word for you.
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  • I am not an educator or in the education field, but I am in management and if I received a revised resume I would mark you off the list.  Please don't do that.  You're better off playing the odds that they will review your entire resume, of whic
  • Thanks so much for the input, everyone. I think I just wanted to hear that all hope is not lost. If anything comes of it, I'll be sure to let you know!
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  • imageelmoali:
    Personally I feel like submitting a revised resume is just as bad, if not worse.  It screams of someone who lack
    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • I work in recruiting/hiring and always read the entire resume. I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't read the entire resume.  If I was the person looking over your resume, I wouldn't disqualify you based on that.  Good luck!
  • I work in HR.  Do not send a revised resume!  Although your relevant experience is not at the top of your resume, it won't kill you.  Most HR professionals and recruiters look at the entire resume.  You may be over thinking i
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