***Lucky Ducks Check-In***
Welcome to the March Lucky Ducks 2013 check-in!!! Check ins are every Monday
and Thursday!
This is a check-in for those who are doing IVF or FET with an ER/ET scheduled
for March. If you are interested in joining, please fill us in on your
cycle below (# IVF cycle, where you are in the process, relevant dates, etc.)
Be sure to update along the way!
Your check-in leader for the month is: Jschwind22
Siggy: Just add the end brackets to front and back
IMG] https://i49.tinypic.com/2cgez43.jpg[/IMG
QOTD: What ONE word describes you best?
- jakraft837- IVF #1- Beta 3/19
- TaterNTot2011- IVF #2- Beta 3/15
- Italian's- FET- Beta 3/22- + HPT!
- Jaje09182010- IVF #1
- htn1763- IVF #1- Beta 3/25
- PrayingforBFP- IVF #1
- Stephiemae22- Beta 3/25
- txcav- IVF #1
- Crystal120410- FET- Beta 3/20 ((HUGS))
- golfrgal- IVF #1.2- converted to IUI ((HUGS))
- chucktgirl- IVF #3- Beta 3/25 ((HUGS))
-cacklemonsta- IVF #1- Beta 3/17 ((HUGS))
ball.and.chain- ET in April! Good luck!
- MJ14323- IVF #1- ((hugs)) Good luck in April!
- jschwind22- FET
- Ellebeekay- IVF #1- ((hugs)) Hope you feel better soon!
- noelcallum- IVF #1- Good luck in April!
- darby17- FET ((hugs))
- udc22- IVF #3 ((hugs))
the 2WW:
- kc1218- IVF #1
- Frenchy6- IVF #1
- MrsRedVelevet- IVF #2.1
- hmz819- IVF #3- Beta 3/28
- msechick- IVF #1
- monkandnut- IVF #1
Between ER/ET:
- firesiren- IVF #3
- BzeetyD- IVF #4
- Rosyglow- IVF #1
- Ecarabeo217- IVF #2.5
- lincoln79- IVF #2
- BrazilianPeach- IVF #1
Prep (BCP/Lupron/EPP):
- Lacyj67- IVF #3
Waiting to Start Cycle:
- Carolina Blue Skies- come on lining!
- Kitty Holland
TTC #1 since February 2011
Me: 29 (3/5/13- high NK cells) DH: 28 (5/8/12- MFI low morph and motility)
Cycle #21 (IUI#1), Cycle #22 (HSG 9/21/12) and Cycle #23 (IUI#2)=
Cycle #24- December Snow Bunny IVF #1
ER 12/6/12 (14R, 11M, 9F), ET 12/9/12 transferred 2 day 3 embies
Bleeding and low betas=very cautious C/P 5W3D
Cycle #26 March Lucky Duck- FET #1
scheduled 3/20/13- CANCELLED- lining issues
Cycle #27 May Emerald- FET #1.2
delayed- Starting Trental for 3 months + natural cycles Cycle #28-30=
Cycle #31 August Shooting Star- FET #1.3
transferred 1 hatching blast 8/21/13= Betas 8/30 (108) and 9/3 (565)
U/S 9/19/13- HR is 128! U/S #2 10/4/13- HR is 174!
It's a BOY!
Re: ~*~ March Lucky Ducks Check-In ~*~
Everything went well on Friday, so my FET is officially on the schedule this Thursday. I am doing acupuncture Tuesday, before/after transfer on Thursday, and Saturday. Between that & changes to my diet & lifestyle, I feel like I hav
My TTC Journey:
Dx: Hypothalamic amenorrhea / mild PCOS (Pretty much a hormone/ovulatory disorder)
Progesterone to induce period w/ the goal of Clomid - never got period (September 2011). Referred to RE.
Femera - never responded to the meds (December 2011)
Clomid with TI - BFN (February 2012)
Injectables (Menopur) - hyperstimulated/canceled (March 2012)
Injectables #2 (Menopur) with TI- BFN (May 2012)
IVF - OHSS (transfer canceled), but 11 frozen! (June 1012)
FET - 1 transferred on 8/09/12. Beta#1 (11dp5dt): 350.3; Beta#2: 365; Beta#3: 157. Biochemical pregnancy.
FET # 2 - 1 transferred on 11/01/12. Beta#1 (11dp5dt): 337; Beta#2: 769. BFP!!! 1st ultrasound 11/28/12 showed heartbeat, but measuring 5 days behind. 2nd ultrasound 12/05/12 - miscarriage.
FET # 3 - 1 transferred on 1/24/13. Beta#1 (11dp5dt): BFN.
FET # 4 - 2 transferred on 3/21/13. Bet #1 (11dp5dt): 660; Beta#2: 1,300. Miscarried at home @ 6 weeks.
FET # 5 - 2 transferred on 7/12/13. Beta #1 (10dp6dt): BFN.
Attempted an IUI in late August 2013, but didn't respond well.
IVF #2 with PGS - Stims started 10/28 with retrieval on 11/11. Of 14 mature eggs, 10 fertilized, 4 made it to Day 5 & 1 made it to Day 6. We did PGS on the Day 5 embryos, and 3 of 4 were normal. Had ET on 11/17. Beta #1 (8dp6dt): 203. Beta #2 (10dp6dt): 618. We since had two ultrasounds & on 12/19, our RE released us to the OB. On 1/02/14, we had our first ultrasound with the OB where we heard the heartbeat. We are so thankful for the blessing & crossing every finger & toe for a healthy & successful pregnancy.
Good luck guys! Hoping to see a ton of bfps!
TTC #1 since Jan 2012
IVF March/April 2013
I TRIGGERED last night! Hooray for no shots today and ER tomorrow Tuesday morning. I'm so ready
| Married since 2008 | DH and I: Both 30 | Me: Endometriosis and Carrier of an X-Linked Dominant Genetic Disorder | DH: Low Morph | Planning IVF with PGD and PGS in 2013 | Freeze-All IVF #1: March 2013 ER 3/26. 29R, 12M, 11F. 4 5AA frozen blasts. Freeze-All IVF#2: May 2013 ER 5/15. 31R, 21M, 20F. 6 5AA frozen blasts. Our PGD probe was completed in late June (total of 20 weeks to develop). PGD and PGS Results came on 6/19: 3 healthy embryos (normal chromosomes and unaffected by my family's genetic disorder). FET #1: July 2013 Natural Cycle - Cancelled due to insufficient lining (only got to 7.5mm). FET #1.2: August 2013 - Medicated Cycle with Lupron & Estrogen Patches to build up lining. Single embryo transfer was 8/23. Beta #1: 240! Beta #2: 578! U/S on 9/19 at 6w4d: We saw the heart beating at 131bpm. Second U/S on 10/4 at 8w5d: We saw the heart beating at 178bpm. EDD 5/11/2014
Right now I'm on my way to ET. RE called and none of DH's embryos made it. We have two for today and two to freeze. We have a few more they are going to watch a little longer. I'm soooo nervous. I forgot th
First mini-IVF Sept 2011... Only 1 egg! ... BFN
Switching RE
IVF#2 May 2012 9 eggs and only 2 sperm, WTH!
Switching RE's within practice
*~God gives his hardest battles to his toughest solders. Unknown.
Today is 7dp3dt and I have a confession...IPOAS. It was a BFN. I was disappointed.
Beta is on Friday so I'm going to try and hold out until Wed or Thursday with a FRER. I want to be prepared if it's another BFN
Update: took my last dose of stims this morning. triggering tonight, ER on Wednesday. Beta will be 4/10. I am really ready to get this show on the road!
Praying unceasingly for a miracle. ALL welcome!
Debating whether or not to POAS although DH is adamant about waiting until beta on Friday. Ugh I'm going nuts!
QOTD: wholehearted
Sorry to all the BFNs
Congrats to he BFPs
Happy thoughts to all!
I'm sitting at my doc's office for what seems will be my last appointment. Ganirelix this morning and I believe I'm triggering tonight! Will p
3 Clomid IUIs -- BFNs
IVF #1 never made it to transfer
On "egg health" cocktail DHEA/CoQ10/FRC/Pregnitude/Melatonin
Starting IVF #2 for Feb 2013
Cancelled mid-cycle due to high P4 levels early on.
OCPs again for IVF 2.5 mid-March. IVF 2.5 transferred two "gorgeous" 5-day blasts and BFFN. Even REI is baffled
On indefinite hold until a huge stroke of serendipity led me to IVF 3 May 2014
Testing found positive cardiolipins/APS, now on lovenox and intralipid infusions
Transfer of 2 5-day blasts and (FINALLY) BFFP!! 1st ultrasound shows two sacs and two HB, but one is sluggish, almost expecting vanishing twin Subsequent ultrasound confirmed vanishing twin, but my other Little critter looks fantastic!
"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."
-- Margaret Thatcher
Good luck today FIRESIREN!!!!! I'm thinking of you and hope all goes well!
No updates from me really other than a possible allergic reaction/infection from my progesterone injections (not pretty hahaha) first ultrasound scheduled for next Monday- I feel like this will all become much more real after that!
Congrats on th
TTC Again since 8/16/2014- 3rd Clomid Cycle with IUI starts 8/18
Hi All-
I'm in the wait and it's killing me! I POAS this morning knowing full well it is way too early! I'm 4DP5DT and beta is on Friday. RE is letting me come in a day early. I did get news that we have 7 frozen embies which is 3 more than I tho
Me~35 DH~37
Dx- Unexplained Infertility
3/21/12- BFP, 4/9/12- M/C
8/12- IUI #1- BFN
9/26 & 9/27-IUI #2- back to back- BFN
Moved on to RE- 10/18
11/12- IUI #3- 75iu Follistim and HCG Trigger- BFN
12/12- IUI #4- Cancelled due to Cyst
1/13- IUI #4.1- 100iu Follistim and HCG Trigger- BFN
2/9/13- Started BCP in prep for IVF #1
Hi Lucky Ducks! Wishing lots of luck to those in the 2ww, stimming and doing their ER/ET. Sending out T&Ps to those who need it. Just got the word back that my Beta is 196 and I will head back in for Beta #2 on Wednesday.
QOTD: Normally carin
Me:31 one blocked tube. DH:37 Perfection.
March-June 2012: Au Naturale. No Luck
July-November 2012: Letrazole. No Luck
December 2012: Au Naturale. No Luck
January 2013: Menopur & IUI
IUI on 01-16-13. AF arrived day 11, BFN!!
BCPs, 10 units Lupron started 2/20, Follistim & Menopur begin 3/2
Saturday we transferred 2 beautiful embryos, both 8A quality. We also had 2 to freeze. Just been resting and trying to keep my mind busy. These progesterone shots are killing my behind.
QOTD: loyal