My newborn has magically morphed into a 6-month-old and I still have him sleeping on me for most of his (albeit, short) naps and he sleeps with a "booby buffet" in our bed at night. If we run errands, his naps are in his car seat. If its a busy day with my 2.5 year-old, he may get very little sleep. My poor second child. Ugh. At his 6 month appointment, I told the doc that he probably gets 12 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. He encouraged me to up that to 14 hours. In the past, we've experimented with different sleep locales- RNP, swing, PNP, our bed, being worn (and I now have a back issue- so I rarely wear him now), and my daughter just graduated from her crib so he has a crib now. I think we've confused the heck out of him. Now that he's got a room and a crib, I have been trying to get him to sleep in there. No dice. He cries and I my poor heart can't handle that. I think he's now associating is crib with some sort of medieval torture device. I have the hardest time reading his sleep cues- in contrast with my daughter who was the easiest baby ever (and currently gets at least 15 hours of sleep). I think he's tired in the morning and late afternoon. He has a witching hour- he's probably exhausted.
How would you ladies get him to sleep independently a bit? I know that is probably not very AP...My goal is to get him to sleep in his crib for his naps and to sleep in his crib for at least a couple of hours at the beginning of the night. I don't mind waking to feed him and bring him into our bed. He's a great snuggle buddy.
With a toddler, I simply cannot always hold him and I cannot rock him because she's always underfoot (and noisy).
Re: 6 Months to Crib?
We have the same children. DD was a very easy child. Its not very AP to do the CIO method but at 1 year I felt it was time for her to be in her crib or at least be use to it enough to go to sleep on her own in. I was also pregnant with DS so I was only
I would suggest reading the No Cry Sleep Solution - she has a nap specific book as well if that's more of an issue for you.
Side note...what carrier are you using? With the right carrier, it's likely you could still wear if you wanted - cer
Breastfeeding Counselor with Breastfeeding USA
Babywearing Guide ** Newborn Carriers
Cloth Diaper Guide
Safe Bed Sharing Info
Thanks for your kind responses. I really appreciate them.
To answer questions, the carrier that I love is the ergo baby. I think my back is almost on the mend so I am probably going to drag it out soon. I think my core was super weak after
OP, I literally could have written this word for word, except my DD is five and my DS is 5.5 months (ignore the ticker, he arrived at 28 weeks in Oct). I have nothing but empathy! It's hard, as you said, because I can tell that DS is totally exhausted
I guess this isn't really helpful, but I still rock ds#2 to sleep. I wait until he is completely asleep and then put him down in his crib. If he moves a little when I put him in, I rub or pat him until he is back sound asleep.
~after 34 cycles we finally got our 2nd little bundle of joy~

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