Attachment Parenting

6 Months to Crib?

My newborn has magically morphed into a 6-month-old and I still have him sleeping on me for most of his (albeit, short) naps and he sleeps with a "booby buffet" in our bed at night. If we run errands, his naps are in his car seat. If its a busy day with my 2.5 year-old, he may get very little sleep. My poor second child. Ugh. At his 6 month appointment, I told the doc that he probably gets 12 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. He encouraged me to up that to 14 hours. In the past, we've experimented with different sleep locales- RNP, swing, PNP, our bed, being worn (and I now have a back issue- so I rarely wear him now), and my daughter just graduated from her crib so he has a crib now. I think we've confused the heck out of him. Now that he's got a room and a crib, I have been trying to get him to sleep in there. No dice. He cries and I my poor heart can't handle that. I think he's now associating is crib with some sort of medieval torture device. I have the hardest time reading his sleep cues- in contrast with my daughter who was the easiest baby ever (and currently gets at least 15 hours of sleep). I think he's tired in the morning and late afternoon. He has a witching hour- he's probably exhausted. 

How would you ladies get him to sleep independently a bit? I know that is probably not very AP...My goal is to get him to sleep in his crib for his naps and to sleep in his crib for at least a couple of hours at the beginning of the night. I don't mind waking to feed him and bring him into our bed. He's a great snuggle buddy. 

With a toddler, I simply cannot always hold him and I cannot rock him because she's always underfoot (and noisy).  

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