At my WTF appt last week there was a intern with my RE. He was explaining my case to her and he told her that besides being DOR I'm basically unexplained. I was under the impression that I'm also annovulatory. When I first quit bcp and began ttc I bled about every 5 days and was told by my first quack RE that I was bleeding so often like that because my body couldn't ovulate. But do I really not ovulate? My point to all of this is can we try naturally for the next couple months while we are saving for another FET? Or do I have to take bcp? If I don't ovulate on my own is there anything I can do to make that happen so we can still try the next couple months? I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to these questions but thought I would ask anyways. I'm going for a baseline tomorrow to check for cysts them start bcp, so I will ask then if I have to take bcp. It just burns my butt to know that I have good quality eggs and he has great fish but yet we can't even try without medical intervention. Tia ladies! Everyone have a great week.
ETA: My RE just called to let me know that my RE has offered to do a monitored cylce for FREE!!! Its normally $800, I am so excited. Now all I have to do is sweet talk my right ovary (left never joins the party) into making me a egg or two!!
Re: Stupid Question *Updated*
10/11: after 2 years, saw a RE, FSH 5.4
11/11: BFP! (surprise after thyroid & normal hsg),
12/11: missed m/c after 7 week u/s, 1/12: D&C
6/12 IUI#1-IUI #3: clomid = BFP!, C/P
IVF #1(10/12) FSH 5.4, AFC: 16 long Lupron, 5R/5M/4F, all 4 made it to 5dt, 1 blast/1-8 cell transferred=BFN
IVF #2(12/12)AFC 21, MD lupron, 4R/4M/3F, 5dt of 1 blast and 2-8cell. BFN.
IVF#3(4/13) Natural start antagon protocol, 12R,11F. one PGS normal at day 6 transfer. BFN.
IVF#4 (11/13) C.CRM (ODW.U normal 8/13 Still no Diagnosis) EPP/antagonist. ER 13R/7M/6F. Only 1 made it to freeze. Abnormal. Looking into options of DE, Fresh vs frozen.
10/14 new local RE to look into what's next. CD3 FSH 4.7, AMH 0.9. Met with DE agencies and exploring options for feb/march 2015.
Surprise natural bfp (4 days before donor is signed). Beta #1 at 9dpo: 51.8, 2nd beta: 195 (25 hours doubling) @11dpo. 3rd beta (12/15): 516 (35 hrs doubling) 4th beta(12/17): 895 (58 hours doubling) 5th beta(12/19): 2120. U/S at 5w0d(12/22): one gestational sac with yolk sac. U/S #2 (6w0d)12/29. One little bean measuring 6w0d with HR 124. 3rd u/s(1/4)7w0d: baby measuring 7w2d. HR 134. 3/30: A/S at MFM went great except for low lying placenta. Verifi results are normal! Team Blue! Please send any positive thoughts our way! EDD:8/24/2015
Baby Will born 8/18. He's perfect.