Cloth Diapering

What age for wool covers?

We definitely want to try wool. What age would everyone suggest that I start having one or two on hand? I've heard others suggest to wait for them to start sleeping through the night, but others love it so much for newborns?

Seeing how they are kinda pricey I'd rather hold off until we can get the most benefit out of them in sizing. Unless I can get my hands on some old sweaters.


Re: What age for wool covers?

  • I don't really know what to tell you as far as age, but I bought some one sized wool covers! I wanted to try wool but the cost of it freaked me out. I came across some on theclothmenagerie after another mom told me about them and I decided to order a coup
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  • I've been using wool and fitteds since Em was a newborn.  I only had one woolie at first and it was a pair of crocheted "shorties" that were so big on him then they were "longies".  They still work beautifully.  I also just made a soaker


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  • The only reason I would wait is because after her first week, my newborn pooped every time I fed her :] I would just be bummed if I'd had to wash my wool all the time. Otherwise, go for it! Like PPs mentioned, get larger sized shorties or OS so that you
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  • Does LO's poop get on the covers when wearing fitteds overnight? If so, I'd wait on the wool. If not, go for it. You can get some upcycled soakers on etsy for 15 or less. Or, if you sew, you can look for wool sweaters at thrift shops to make some. I use t
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have made, oh gosh, a few dozen wool covers out of felted thrift store sweaters.  (I did this to try and relax during the first few precarious months of pregnancy!)  If you sew at all, the Katrina pattern is easy and actually a lot of fun.&

    The word you're looking for is SEX.  I promise.  No, it's not gender.  It's sex.  You're welcome.
  • imagemypalbabs:

    For a few weeks, my kitchen was a lanolizing factory all weekend!  (I did a standard lanolizing soak, hung to

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