Two Under 2

Some advice to help me decide

My husband and I are really struggling with the decision whether to have another child or not. We know if we do we would like them to be close in age so we would start trying again shortly or if we should be one and done. On one hand we are worried that we would be depriving our son of a sibling but on the other we are worried can we handle two. How do you feel about having two under two is it crippling hard? I'm a stay at home wife and we are financially stable because I know that plays into the decision. I think we can handle it but I want to make sure we're not fooling ourselves 
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Re: Some advice to help me decide

  • My second isn't here yet, but I can tell you what helped me make my decision to have two so close. I was an only child for almost three years. Right before birthday, my parents adopted my sister who was also two. (We are almost 10 months apart in age.)

    Mommy to N (3), J (2), and C (10 months). LO4 is due in mid-September.
  • The sibling factor is huge for me. I'm one out of five and I know that siblings arent gaurenteed best friends my baby sister and I are very strained but I know I will have her and my other sisters and brother if something bad happen.
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  • Obviously this is a very personal decision and everyone is different, but for my family the transition from one to two kids was really not that hard. I have 2 girls, 17 months apart and am pregnant with our third. With our first everything was brand new a
  • And what if you feel guilty having another so soon because it takes away time and attention from the first?  My husband and I know we want another child. Right now our DS is 6 months old and we are trying to figure out when to have the next one. We l
  • imagenschuetz01:
    And what if you feel guilty having another so soon because it takes away time and attention from the first?  
  • imageBeckyTheEngineer:
    In my personal opinion, guilt over your son being an only child is not a good reason to have a second. I ten
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  • I understand what you are going through. I always said if I have more than one I want them close in age. My sister and I are 9 years apart and basically grew up as only children. My first 2 DS are 3 years apart and they love each other! It's fun I watc
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  • Our decision to have 2u2 was due in part to our ages.  I was 40 when DS2 was born so waiting it out for a year or two really wasn't a choice I had.

    Kids are 18 months apart.  I'm not going to lie, the first 2.5-3 years of DS2's life was

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • imagekagl08:

    Mama to two sweet girls
    DD1 Feb 2010
    DD2 Sept 2011

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  • My DDs are 2y9m apart and that wasn't terribly hard (tried for closer but didn't happen), DD1 was mostly potty trained and very helpful.  DD2 and current pregnancy will be 23mo apart so we'll see how that goes.  Remember, this is not a decision
    5/08- blighted ovum, spont ab; 2/20/09- epi, VAVD, Girl! breastfed 24mo; 10/10- blighted ovum, spon ab; 12/10- no fetal pole, Cytotec; 11/20/11- unmedicated SVD, Girl! breastfed 18mo; 11/7/13- unmedicated SVD, breastfed 18mo; 2/11/16- unmedicated SVD, exclusively pumping to at least a year.

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