I'm a FTM, LO is 7 months old.
Right now he loves pretty much anything I put in his mouth. Will he turn picky when he gets to be a toddler or little kid, or do picky eaters start out that way from the very beginning? Or if he's accepting of pretty much anything now, will that continue?
I know all kids are different, I'm just curious if there's a trend most kids usually follow with food pickiness.
Re: When does picky eating start?
My son ate everything as a baby and became slighly more picky around 18 months.
He is still a great eater, but refuses most vegetables in various preparations. He has days where he won't eat certain things that he usually loves and we have troubl
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
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She definitely ate more veggies as a baby--however for the most part she is still a very good eater. We found out the TYPES of foods she likes---anything savory/spicy/salty--and try to give her lots of food with strong flavors. (tacos, stews, pesto, ga
for my son, it was right around 18 months. he ate any and everything prior to then. the pickiness kicked in then. it was short lived as we worked through it. he's going through a spell right now though as he got a stomach bug a few weeks ago and now th
It's starting now for us, although we've head eating issues since birth (couldn't breastfeed, didn't want purees, blah blah blah). We can get no vegetables in him, and only recently some meat has become somewhat acceptable. There are foods