Babies: 6 - 9 Months

7 mo refuses to nap Need HELP!!

My baby has never been a good napper. He would go pretty much right to sleep after taking big sis to school and that was the only nap I would get out of him in the early days. Now, though, he cries and cries and cries, until I give in. Some days he will cry for over an hour and sleep for 30 minutes, but most days I give in after an hour and get him out of his crib. He had been teething and got all 4 of his front teeth within 3 weeks. He was waking up at night (after sleeping through the night at 3 months old). Now he is back to sleeping through the night, but will not take a nap. I nurse him and he always falls asleep at the breast because he is so tired, but as soon as I lay him down he is awake within minutes and crying.

How do I get him to take a nap? I need a damn break. I'm crying, he is crying, I'm pissed, he is pissed. It's neverending. The cry it out method isn't working and I feel absolutely horrible listening to him cry for an hour twice a day. He slobbers all over himself and the crib, snot is dripping, he is throwing up.... And I am standing at the doorway crying and wondering why the hell he just won't go to sleep. I have tried a number of different nap times, white noise, music, laying next to the crib quiet and laying next to the crib singing, patting him- and nothing is working...

He is rolling over and crawling now so nursing him to sleep on the bed is no longer an option. Please help me I am at my wits end and I am NOT enjoying my baby :(

Re: 7 mo refuses to nap Need HELP!!

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    ctj82ctj82 member

    Does he sleep in the car or stroller?

    Do you have someone else who can try to rocking him to sleep? Maybe he is sensing your anxiety?

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    I'm going through the EXACT same thing!!!! It's horrible!!! And I'm a stay at home mom. I'm guessing you are too?! My son goes to Mother's Day out twice a week and naps for her!! Ugh!! If you find a trick, let me know!!! It's frustrating!! I know how how
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    I just wrote a post about night sleep help. I'm actually trying day sleep training as well. I used to rock my baby to sleep for everything. Then at around 3 months I started holding her for her naps. It created a horrible habit so I decided to start putti
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    So sorry you're going through this.  I understand what it's like to be at your wits end as I've been there with various children for various reasons!

    I haven't had a kid who has been this tough but would highly recommend the book Healthy Sle

    DD(7), DS(4.5), DS(2.5), DS(baby)
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