What kind of background, education and/or training does your childs aide have? If any?
My friend was just offered a job working as a 1/1 aide for a non verbal boy with Autism at school. She has NO experience working with special needs kids at ALL. She has been a part time para (teachers assistant) in a regular Kinder classroom for the past year and that is the extent of her experience working with kids in an educational environment, though she is a (great!) mom of 2 herself.
Honestly, I was kind of shocked to hear that her school district offered her this job. I assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that aides assigned to special needs kids would have SOME kind of experience, education, background something - working with this population.
Can it really be true that school districts can just hire some Joe of the street, background not withstanding, and assign them as 1/1's to our kids?
Somebody school me.
Re: ? for those whose kiddos have a 1/1 aide at school...
Thanks Auntie, your post has allowed me a deep breath. This has been kind of bothering me all day. Though it sounds like her disctrict is more of the "anyone with a pluse is qualified" kind.
#4 - yes, that is true, inlcuding my own ch
Boy 7-11-2007 (has Autism),
Boy 2-26-2009 to 11-2-11 (had cancer at 4mo),
Boy 3-28-2011 (has Autism)
Girl 9-3-2013
Baby due 2-22-2016
probably not very reassuring, but in my experience, a bad para doesn't last long. They have a hard job and are paid next to nothing for it. My school's paras have varying levels of education and experience. We are lucky that we often get ce