Cloth Diapering

Baby Boy Penis question

My son's tip of his penis gets really sensitive and the skin looks like it's been moist to long (like if you have a paper cut and take a bandaid off and the skin needs to be peeled but it's kind of moist and white - sorry I don't know if that makes sense).  One time it even started bleeding and the pedi said it's common with little boys and to put neosporin on it for a few days - which did work.  I use fleece liners on his fitteds but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this.

Re: Baby Boy Penis question

  • I have 2 boys but have never had that happen. My boys aren't circumcised is your LO? Aside from the neosporin you could put some cj butter on the area once a day should keep the area protected and it's cd safe.
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  • My son is circumcised.  Funny thing is I used to always put CJs on him before bed and that's when I thought it was happening worse.  Like it was moisturizing that thin, sensitive skin too much!  So now I only put it on his bum and his inner
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  • Maybe just more air diaper free time but watch out he doesn't pee on you ;
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  • I would do more diaper free time with him and see if it helps. We put Elliot on puppy pads! Lol! It sounds crazy but it keeps things cleaner. He's only peed diaper free a couple of times in almost 10 months.

    Maybe start using fleece li
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  • Thanks Ladies!

    I have some great fleece liners so I'll try using them this weekend instead of only at nighttime.  I'll try to do some diaper free time this weekend.  Dylan hasn't peed on me ever but pees on DH regularly! 

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