April 2013 Moms

What are your Easter plans?

And are they the same/different because you're pregnant? 

We celebrate American Easter (me) and Orthodox Easter (H). Normally we'd go to my parent's house- which is about 2.5 hours away- for Easter but not this year. My parents are coming up here and we'll do an Easter egg hunt for Ava then go to church followed by brunch at my house. Orthodox Easter is May 5 this year, so we'll have Mila with us then and kind of play it by ear, depending on how it's going. 

I'm pretty excited to dye Easter eggs with Ava this year; last year she was still too small. :) 

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Re: What are your Easter plans?

  • in my family each of us have a holiday we host. Mine is easter. I sent a msg last week saying we would not be hosting it this year and we hoped we gave everyone enough time to plan alternatives.

    Saturday 30th our ymca is having a hunt. H
    2nd EDD 02/01/13 - MC 5 1/2 weeks 6/5/12. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • We are not religious, and don't have any kids yet, so it will be a normal day except that we will have my BFF and her husband over for dinner.  We always make Roast Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic for dinner on Easter. 

    The week after

    BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

    BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

    BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016
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  • Normally we spend one day with my family and one day with DHs. However this year my SIL is having her son's birthday party 3.5 hrs away. If I'm feeling well we will go to that. If not we will probably just stay home. I don't want to go to my family's hous
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  • We usually host MH's family who come in from 6 hours away. Not happening this year, but it is also my 30th birthday weekend (yes, I'm that type who stretches birthday celebrations beyond their natural time limits) and my mom and sister are vi

  • Assuming I haven't given birth already, we go to Holy Thursday mass in the evening, Good Friday the next afternoon, and the super long but very beautiful! Holy Saturday mass the following evening. Easter morning we will have Tony search for his Easter bas
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  • Apparently MH's cousin is hosting a little get together for Easter and I emailed her to say that we would like to attend if we are still family of 3, but can't make it if we're a family of 4 by then.  She hasn't responded, so I don't know what we'

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  • My EDD is Easter, so if I'm still pregnant I will go to mass and probably make a small ham and some sides.
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  • We usually go out to DH's extendend family about 1.5 hours' drive away.  They always have a huge Easter lunch with an Easter egg hunt.  But this year two of the other families that have lots of kids won't be there and I just don't have it in me
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  • I am hoping that they will let me out of the hospital on Saturday. Sunday we'll do Easter baskets at home and an Easter egg hunt (if DH will set it up), and then I hope to go to church at 10:15. The ILs will come over to go to church with us, and MIL is p
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • Since that is my EDD everyone said I didn't have to bring anything to dinner. I hosted 2 years ago and usually bring the deviled eggs since I have chickens and lots of eggs this time of year. I'm hoping I have a baby to bring but that's wishful thinking ;
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • The day before we will dye eggs with Hannah and do some Easter art project. Sunday morning Easter basket and then church. In the afternoon (after nap), we will have a small easter egg hunt in the backyard. I may make an Easter dinner, but then again we ma
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  • I usually go to my grandma's but it's an hour and 15 minutes away from my house and an extra 45 from my hospital. I suppose if I am feeling well and no contractions I will go. She might not even have it if the weather doesn't start getting nicer.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We normally go to my parents 2.5 hrs away for Easter but not this year. I don't really know what we're going to do instead. My mom is coming down on Easter Monday to help with DS while I'm off work and he's home with me. 
  • We usually go to my parents for dinner but DH has to work and I am not willing to drive an hour from home (and hospital) by myself so close to my due date. Besides, with the SPD pain, it is hard for me to drive comfortably just to get too and from wo
    BFP #1 2/20/12 - ectopic methotrexate @6w2d on 3/6/12 BFP#2 7/27/12 EDD 4/10/13- It's a boy! imageimagePhotobucketBabyName Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • Usually me and my family go to church and then have dinner with nice ham at my parents house but this year I will more than likely still be in the hospital because my c section is being done on the 29th my LO will be here by then
  • Normally we would just go to church and then to my parents' house for a family dinner. This year, since it's 3 days before my c-section, we'll see how I feel about going to church, and then my parents are coming to our house. My mom is bringing dinner. It
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  • We're not religious and don't really do anything.  Easter to me this year means Game of Thrones premiere!
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    BFP #1: 5/10/12; 5/22/12: pregnancy deemed not viable (probably CP)
    BFP #2: 8/2/12; Due date: 4/14/13, DD born 4/5/2013
    BFP #3: 11/2/14, Due date: 7/7/15
  • The only for-sure thing is that I will go to Mass at some point on Easter Sunday (unless I am in labor/still in the hospital postpartum, in which case, I hope a priest can come bring Communion to me!).

    We are invited to my great-aunt's house for

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  • imageletranger:
    We are having both our families over. I got that shiz catered though. Ha

    A woman after my

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  • I'm bringing home my baby!!!!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers After years of struggling with infertility issues (PCOS since I was 16) and 15 medicated cycles we finally got blessed with our son. We got lucky with our 7th IUI using stims...Now we are back on the roller coaster to try for another miracle..IVF cycle in May resulted in a chemical pregnancy. 2 snowbabies FET 7/16-transferred 2 blastocyst...Faint bfp 4dp5dt! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • We usually go to my grandma's, but last year we stayed home and hosted my family. This year our plans include Easter Service and a nice brunch somewhere.  

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  • Since moving here 4 years ago, MH & I have just gone to Easter Sunday mass by ourselves (except for my sister, our family is out of state), then cooked up a nice big champagne brunch to enjoy on the patio afterwards.  This year, we'll do churc

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  • Easter Sunday is my last day conducting the church choir! I'll do 8:30 and 10:30 service, then head home, happily on maternity leave! My mom always hosts Easter dinner, and my parents live less than 10 minutes from us, so it'll be a nice relaxing day. I l
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  • We will be spending Easter weekend at my parents (a little over 2 hour drive). It'S not a "big" holiday for us, but we use it as an excuse to get together - and the kids will get a small basket of goodies.
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    Farewell, nesticle, you will be missed
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  • elbouelbou member
    Our plans are different this year, but not because I'm pregnant. My dad's birthday is on Easter Sunday, and he's turning 70! :)  

    We usually spend Easter with FIL's side of the family. DH's grandparents have a huge family (5 kids,

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