Sick of my parents asking if my 7 mo old is in her crib yet. I usually just say we're working on it.
In reality. I'm not working on it. I love having her right by me. H wants her in her own bed but isn't really willing to put in the work.
How would you reply?
"When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies." Sir James Barrie in Peter Pan
DS: 11/1/2010 DD: 8/9/2012 #3: 4/2019
Re: Non snarky reply
Eh, either "we're working on it" or "we're happy how things are". Or the ever popular "why do you ask?" and then just tune out on whatever rant they go on.
And then change the subject as fast as possible.
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"Is she in the crib yet?"
"Nope, we'll let you know when she is," smile, change the subject.
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
House / Baby blog
Co-sleeping works for us right now so we aren't trying to change it.
I think if more people were honest about their sleeping arrangements and and acknowledged they worked vs. trying to excuse or hide it, co-sleeping/bed-sharing wouldn't carry the
Breastfeeding Counselor with Breastfeeding USA
Babywearing Guide ** Newborn Carriers
Cloth Diaper Guide
Safe Bed Sharing Info
I agree with PPs that by replying that you're working on it that leads them to ask how things are going and will likely keep asking. If you want the questions to stop you need to be honest and say we're happy with our sleeping arrangements.
DD2 8.22.13
MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18
My parents ask me that all of the time. I usually just lie and say "Yup." It's not a complete lie. She does sleep in her crib for part of the night.
We are in the same situation as you. I love having her in our bed. 
DS: 11/1/2010 DD: 8/9/2012 #3: 4/2019
DD2 8.22.13
MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18
House / Baby blog
Be honest! We co-sleep and it works for us. End of story.
If they press the issue, you could offer to print them some literature about the benefits of co-sleeping, maybe offer some book rec's, websites. Our Babies,Ourselves off the top of my hea
DS: 11/1/2010 DD: 8/9/2012 #3: 4/2019
Make a pregnancy ticker
Just be honest. My mom asks if LO sleeps in his crib and I say 'sometimes.' She asks if I ever just put him down and leave him to cry himself to sleep and I say 'no.' I don't need to explain myself.
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