Who's here and what are you doing?
I am eating dinner. I made one pot homemade mac n cheese which is super creamy and to die for! Thank you pinterest. I am also drinking a hard cider. I am going to enjoy a few of these tonight cuz Rosie is at my Aunts till Saturday! ::throws self a party:: I needed a break from the toddler.
Re: Roll Call!
I got 3 new bum genius 4.0 diapers today at this awesome store I just discovered by DH's job. Annnnd we still don't have the washer fixed so I'll be washing a load of diapers i
Perhaps LuckyDad has lost something:
No idea, b
I'm here. I usually lurk, but I'm trying to join in more. I just got done eating junk for dinner and watching AHS with DH. I like the show, but it leaves me with a creepy vibe for a while after.
DS2 is sleeping next to me