Baby Names

"Two" much?

My husband and I have decided that we are naming our son Benjamin, and for the middle name, we are using "Lynwood" which is my husband's middle name, and his grandpa's first name (this will be the 5th generation this name has been used).

Today, however, I found out that my dad has now I am seriously considering adding his middle name, Lee, to our son's name. This will be my dad's first blood-grandson, and we really want to honor him.

So, any comments? Benjamin Lynwood Lee--does it flow alright or is it too much? 

Re: "Two" much?

  • I personally think that Benjamin Lee Lynwood Lastname would sound better. I hope that your dad goes into remission!

  • I think that Benjamin Lynwood Lee *lastname* sounds good. I don't think that it's too long, especially because each name has a special meaning to you and your hubby :)
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  • I agree with either of the pp suggestions. 
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  • I think they both sound nice either way you arrange them. Even if it does sound like a mouthful I think the meaning much out weighs the actual name. Especially with how little middle names are actually used or referenced. I would honour your father.
  • imageFirstBaby87:
    I think they both sound nice either way you arrange them. Even if it does sound like a mouthful I think the meaning mu

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  • imagemajwv8:
    BFP #1 10/6/11 | EDD 6/15/12 | MMC 11/7/11 @ 8w3d | D&C 11/14/11

    BFP #2 8/22/12 | EDD 5/5/13 | DS1 born 5/9/13

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    BFP #4 12/9/15 | EDD 8/22/16 | DS2 born 5/18/16 at 26w2d

    Just keep swimming.
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  • Normally I don't really like two middle names but in this case I would go for it.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • imagealphalyrae:
    I personally think that Benjamin Lee Lynwood Lastname would sound better. I hope that your dad goes into remission

       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
  • imageLilypopilly:
    I think that Benjamin Lynwood Lee *lastname* sounds good. I don't think that it's too long, especially because ea
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Thinking of your dad, hoping he goes into remission!
    We chose Robert Harold Douglas if this LO had of been a boy so I like the two middle names! And especially if it has meaning! Our girl name is Alicia Ann Marie!
    He will rock the two middle
  • I think it's nice.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I think it's nice and you should go for it. We did something similar with my DS's name. He was originally going to be just Alec Richard. Richard is after my grandfather. Then at the last minute we decided to honor my DH's family and added Palmer to the en
    Baby Birthday Ticker Tickerimage Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers  
  • On most school/professional paperwork one of the names will get dropped simply due to space issues, so use the one you like seeing better in print. 
    Due with #5 April 22, 2015. It's a girl!!!!! 

     Yes it was planned, yes we know what causes that, no we are not on public assistance, and yes we will be getting cable after this. ;)



  • All three names together is too much, IMO. I would just use Benjamin Lee, personally, and save Lynwood for another child.

  • DS has 2 middle names and I don't find it to be a problem.
  • imageFirstBaby87:
    I think they both sound nice either way you arrange them. Even if it does sound like a mouthful I think the meani
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