Did anyone have inductions with their first and second births? Did the second one go faster/easier than the first?
I was induced with DS1, 39 weeks, 1cm 50 effaced, started with 12 hours of cervidil, then 16 hours of pitocin. It was a hellacious 28 hour llabor.
I'm scheduled to be induced Sunday at midnight. I'll be 39 weeks. I'm currently 1/2cm and 30 effaced hoping for more by Sunday
I'm just really hoping the second time goes quicker and easier.
Re: second induction
my read shelf:
I was induced twice. #1 was 38w6d, not dilated more than a fingertip and maybe 50% effaced. I had two rounds of cervidil and pitocin was stopped and re-started twice. From start to finish, the induction was 56 hours and I was actually in labor for 38 h
DD1 Feb 2010
DD2 Sept 2011
3 time inducee-
1st was 35 hours and horrible.
2nd was 14 hours.
3rd was 9 hours.