We use BG Freetimes during the day but now that she is eating solids, I need a diaper that can hold in the poop in a little better. Which diaper is best for containing the mess best??? Thank you!
Married 6/28/08, TTC 7/10, BFP 11/30/11! Charlotte Rose born on 8/4/12! TFAS 8/13, BFP 10/14/13! Lori Anne Catherine born on 6/13/14!
Re: Need suggestions...
IMO fitteds or prefolds with a jellyroll fold hold in the mess the best. Although we've never had a problem during the day with our AppleCheeks, BG 4.0 or SoftBums pockets either.
Could you just have a poor fit on
Married 6/28/08, TTC 7/10, BFP 11/30/11! Charlotte Rose born on 8/4/12! TFAS 8/13, BFP 10/14/13! Lori Anne Catherine born on 6/13/14!