I've been annoyed by my HE top loader for a while. It seems like just when we find a washing routine we like something gets funky.
The latest thing is my son gets a rash every time he wears cloth. We thought it was a food sensitivity at first and started doing diet elimination. Then it dawned on me that it might be detergent build up so I ran the diapers through a hot wash with no detergent and checked for suds. Nothing. I switched detergents...same problem.
So we went out and bought a good old fashioned top loader at the used appliance store and I decided to go ahead and strip all of the diapers anyway.
The first wash I did with no detergent and OMG THE SUDS. Soooo much. Next I threw in 1/3c bleach and a tbsp of blue dawn.
The first FIVE washes resulted in nasty grey water. I am on my THIRTEENTH rinse and I still have a sudsy film on top. It's disgusting.
I have like five more loads of diapers to do (we have a lot of diapers). I didn't want to cram too much in the washer because I want things to agitate well. I have already gone through soooo much water doing this. I would boil everything but my biggest pot would only hold like two prefolds.
No real advice needed (unless you have some super secret stripping technique you want to share that would save me time and/or water). I just wanted to vent.
Re: F**k HE top loaders.
Holy cow!
I used to LOVE HE front loading washers. My mom's is great! Ever since I started researching CDing and made the decision to commit, I changed my mind. I want to stick with a top loader. Non-HE at that; esp
Talking completely out of my here since I have no experience in stripping...diapers.
Are you doing the entire stripping process in the washer or c
Thanks for all the tips.
I soaked the next load all day in 1/3c bleach, a half cup of Sun brand Oxyclean, and a tiny squirt of dawn. When I got home today the water was nasty grey. I'm on the fourth rinse and it seems to be getting better but th