I will be 12 weeks on Friday and had my first ultrasound last Thursday and found out I am having twins. The doctor called me yesterday and said one of the twins looks smaller and I could possibly lose it. I have to go back the 28th for another ultrasound. Has anyone ever had this happen or heard of this? I am going crazy waiting for next Thursday to get here :
Re: Ultrasound showed one twin smaller
How much smaller? Did he indicate how they were measuring?
At 7w0d, mine were measuring 6w5d and 5w5d. I was told that Baby A might not make it, but by my 10 w appointment she had caught up.
Now, Baby A is a butterball who weighs a full lb
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
At 8 Weeks Twin B measured a few days behind. At 12 weeks B was a week or so behind. At 20 weeks he was about 2 weeks smaller I think. I have di/di twins and extreamly low risk all things considered. If your mobile I'll let you know I'm just shy 26 wee