Chit Chat


You're hilarious.





"I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



Re: Lou

  • I wish I could meet and do more then just hang out with him.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC since June 2009
    01/10- Femara
    03/10- Femara
    07/2010- Clomid with injectables and IUI #1
    08/2010- IUI #2
    06/2011- IVF #1 BFP!
    09/2011- Miscarriage at 10 1/2 weeks
    11/2011- FET
    01/2012- Start Home Study process
    03/2012- Home Study approved and now waiting on our child to find us!
    07/2012- matched with a BM who is due in October!
    11/10/12- our son is born!
    11/13/12- court grants us custody!
     12/28/12- finalization! Always ours in our hearts, also ours forever


       Image and video hosting by TinyPicimage




  • imagedholsapp:
    I wish I could meet and do more then just hang out with him.

    Take a number. 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • Loading the player...
  • imagedholsapp:
    I wish I could meet and do more then just hang out with him.

    So you're saying you want

    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



  • imageBoopADoopBetty:

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • imageLarry Stylinson:

    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



  • You know, the one time...we mess around with the Harry's-sig-on-Lou's-bum thing, wouldn't you know that one of the other three would take a picture and leak it? Sneaky buggers.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • imageLarry Stylinson:
    You know, the one time...we mess around with the Harry's-sig-on-L

    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



  • imageBoopADoopBetty:

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • I'll let you in on a little secret. It was this:


    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



  • imageClaireFraser:
    He's definitely the group goofball. I wish I could meet and hang out with him.

    I tho



  • imageBoopADoopBetty:

    I'll let you in on a little secret. It was this:

    We said Texas-y, not a used d

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • imageAAA024:
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • imageClaireFraser:
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • imageLarry Stylinson:


    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



  • imageBoopADoopBetty:
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • imageLarry Stylinson:
    Niall is Aquaman

    This, of course, makes me think of this:

    <img src="http

    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



  • Right-o!

    It's the reason he wears those ridiculous tank tops. None of us like them, but he feels the most comfortable in them after being underwater. Real clothes are "too constricting," he says. At least we think that's what he says. Between his

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • I suggest being shirtless. I suggest you should all be shirtless.

    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



  • Harry's nipples are shy.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • imageLarry Stylinson:
    Harry's nipples are shy.


    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



  • image


    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • His nips are more well-known globally than the Seven Wonders of the World. Sugars cape has even discovered each of their powers. Including the one behind you two.

    <a href="

    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



  • Some people have spent entirely too much time thinking about this.

    Honestly, when it comes to clothes, we ascribe to the following: We don't want our goodies on full display. We w

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • Give me a date and time I get to unwrap y'all, and I will hold off until then. At least I know when Christmas is going to happen.

    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



  • We'd much rather surprise you.


    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
  • imageOnederful Mother:
    Larry is such a valued contributor to SB.

    I concur. Larry is made of awesome. 

  • imageOnederful Mother:
    Larry is such a valued contributor to SB.

    You're Harry's co-#1 now, girl. <img

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
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