Hi all, we had 100% fert on our last cycle but a BFN. I am confused bc my husband smokes (only 8 cigs a day, but still) and takes narcotics for back pain. But we had great fertilization. Does that mean his sperm are fine and not the problem?
me 40, DH 39... FSH:8.6 AMH 2.3 AFC:15...
DH: MF: sx for Double Varicocele, SA 45 mil, motil: 50%, morph 3%- "lazy swimmers!"...
Me: All "normal" but aging eggs most likely... ;-/
DS: 4/29/05-7 yrs old
MC 9 weeks: 9/21/11
TTC for 3 yrs...7/2012:
1st IUI: BFN 8/2012:
2nd IUI: BFN...
Need a break already!
IVF #1 in progress Jan 2013: Antagonist Prot.: Gonal F 300/Menopur 150
ER: 15 follies, 12 retrieved, 10 mature, 10 fertilized...grow embies grow!
1/8/13: BFN.
Re: Does great fertilization rate always mean good sperm?
No, it doesn't. Your clinic should be able to tell you his numbers from each sample (i.e., motility, count, and morphology) - I see that you have some values in your siggy, which are not great. I have definitely seen worse, but those presen
Dx: PCOS and MFI
3 IUIs, 4 IVFs = BFFN
3rd RE: IVF #5/FET = BFP
14dp5dt=1170 16dp5dt=2573
1st u/s=TWINS!
It's a Boy and a Girl!
Born at 34w3d!
TTC #1 since February 2011
C/P 5W3D
Betas 8/30 (108) and 9/3 (565)
Me: 29 (3/5/13- high NK cells) DH: 28 (5/8/12- MFI low morph and motility)
Cycle #21 (IUI#1), Cycle #22 (HSG 9/21/12) and Cycle #23 (IUI#2)=
Cycle #24- December Snow Bunny IVF #1
ER 12/6/12 (14R, 11M, 9F), ET 12/9/12 transferred 2 day 3 embies
Bleeding and low betas=very cautious
Cycle #26 March Lucky Duck- FET #1
scheduled 3/20/13- CANCELLED- lining issues
Cycle #27 May Emerald- FET #1.2
delayed- Starting Trental for 3 months + natural cycles Cycle #28-30=
Cycle #31 August Shooting Star- FET #1.3
transferred 1 hatching blast 8/21/13=
U/S 9/19/13- HR is 128! U/S #2 10/4/13- HR is 174!
It's a BOY!