Need some advice. When I was pg with DD, my dad didn't want to know the gender. Somehow, we all managed to keep it a secret from him. But EVERYONE else knew, including my stepmom! I wanted to honor my dad's wish to find out "the old fashioned way" but it was so hard to know and not say "she" when talking about baby. In the end, he thought it was a boy and was totally surprised. This time around, he wants to be surprised again. But DH and I just don't have the spirit to play the game. So how do we let him down? We were going to do a gender reveal cake at DD's bday party in June, so it would be a surprise to all of our family members. Is that a good replacement to finding out at birth?
PS - During my baby shower with DD (that my stepmom threw for me), my dad went outside during the gift opening so he didn't see any of the stuff!!!! And after DD's room was ready, my dad couldn't see it because the colors would give it away.
Re: Grandpa doesn't want to know gender
I guess since he's the only one who wants it this way, it's kind of his responsibility to deal with it himself.
Tell him you have plans that you're really excited about and want him to participate in, but if he doesn't want to, you're not going t
My Dad doesn't want to know either. We found out today that we are having a boy. My Dad is the only one that thinks we are having a boy and he is soooo excited to have a grandson... We are planning a gender reveal party for our family and close friends
Hopefully he will appreciate the lengths you went to the keep it a surprise for him the first time and will understand when you tell him you'd like it to be different this time. Telling him that might be tough but I think you'll feel better once
Short answer:
I agree w/pp who said if he doesn't want to know, it's his issue and he's the one that needs to go out of the way to avoid finding out. Let him know your plans, but don't go out of your way to keep from telling him. Or tel
Thanks for the advice ladies! I know its ridiculous. That's why I hope he likes the gender reveal idea. Its still a surprise to everyone at the same time. At first, DH and I were going to wait and find out then too, but that's a whole MONTH after the a
I guess I sort of disagree with the others. I don't know why it would be rude of him to ask you to not come out and tell him. If he doesn't want to know, why does he have to justr because you do? I kind of think it is inconsiderate of you to want to fo
Tell him to do this:
Problem solved!
Very good point. If h
BFP #1: July 12, 2010 Natural M/C: July 26, 2010
BFP #2: January 30 ,2011 Born: September 29, 2011
BFP #3: January 5, 2013 Born: August 25, 2013