Cloth Diapering

Does PUL break down in storage?

I am trying to decide whether I should sell off my stash after my child is PT, or keep everything for the next one.  IF we have another baby, it will most likely be a few years down the road.  My question is this:  If I store my wet bags and pocket diapers for, say 3 years...will the PUL become brittle and crack?  Anyone have experience with storing PUL items for a few years? 

Re: Does PUL break down in storage?

  • I know it can and will break down from continual use and abuse of washing on hot and if you use the dryer often. But I haven't heard much about storing diapers and them degrading.

    The biggest concerns I've heard is making sure the diapers ar
  • imageYellowLily2013:
    ETA: As for resale, diapers that are current models will give more money vs. Three plus years old. And if you ar
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