Two Under 2

Pacifiers and bottles

How am I supposed to take these away soon but still give them to DD in front of DS? He will be one in a week or so.
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Re: Pacifiers and bottles

  • My two are eleven months apart and I didn't take away either. I talked to my pediatrician and she agreed it would be easier to have the older one stop late and the younger one stop early. In the beginning, I only gave the pacifier at naps and bed time, an
  • Sounds like we are in the same boat. I only give DS a bottle for breakfast, 2 naps, and bed. If he is tired and sees me give DD one he has a complete meltdown until I make him one also. I think I will try keeping the pacifiers in the crib only. Thank you!
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  • you don't necessarily need to transition the exact day he turns 1.

    i would try to minimize daytime paci use but keep it for bedtime/naptime.

    i'd probably wait on the bottles too. encourage the use of sippies but don't feel bad for using a

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  • DD still gets a morning bottle with milk b/c she won't drink out of a sippy.  I have no plans to take away the paci anytime soon, like around 2 years old.  She uses it for all naps and I want to wait until I can explain to her WHY it's getting t

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  • Just wanted to let you know that I was so worried about this with DD regarding the pacis and it turned out to be NBD.  We took her's right before her brother was born and worried that there would be an issue but he doesn't take the same kind of pa

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