Cloth Diapering

How can I tell my Kawaii's apart?

A long time ago I purchased quite a few Kawaiis.  I can't find my order information anywhere  I can't tell what is what! 


I have a few very narrow OS ones with smooth fleece (?) inside.  

Then I have some wider ones with some nappy fleece (?) inside. 

Then I have a few with bamboo inside.  

   I remember even when I was picking them out I couldn't keep them straight-- blue label, mom label, etc etc etc. Ahh help!


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Re: How can I tell my Kawaii's apart?

  • I'm pretty sure the Nappy Fleece is the super soft cross overs and the smooth fleece is the original cross overs.  I hope that helps!!!  I totally use the inserts interchangably (and recently switched to natural fiber inserts). 
  • I wouldn't worry about it. Who cares? If you decide you want to buy more of something, look on their website or post a photo here and someone can probably tell you what you want.
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  • I had 3 ultra soft, 3 original square tab, and 2 others that were freebies so I'm not sure what they were. I really couldn't tell the difference between them and they all worked about the same, so unless you end up really liking one type over another it p
    OHM born 12/16/11, BAM born 1/10/14, mmc 06/30/15
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