Austin Babies

Newborn Photographer Recommendations

Please recommend your photographer.  Thanks in advance!
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Re: Newborn Photographer Recommendations

  • Not sure if you've found any but there are several great photogs listed here:



    hope this helps!

  • I'm not sure where in Austin you are- but I highly recommend Abby Glenn Photography. She does great newborn work! Now, if you want maternity, come to me! ;) I'm a local photographer (north austin) 
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  • Do you have a website? Would love to see samples of your maternity pics!

    Sweet Baby #1 - BFP 3/27/13 - EDD 12/7/13 - Blighted Ovum and D&C 4/25/13 @ 7w5d
    Sweet Baby #2 - BFP 8/16/13 - EDD 4/26/14 - Natural MC 8/24/13 @ 5w

    Sweet Baby #3 - BFP 9/20/13 - EDD 5/31/14 **stick, little miracle, stick**

    BabyFetus Ticker

    12/15/13 - Oh my gosh... it's a BOY!! 
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