September 2013 Moms

NBR: Pet Peeves...what are yours?

This post is stemmed from my co-irker who overuses the word "thus". Makes me stabby.

What are your NBR pet peeves?




Re: NBR: Pet Peeves...what are yours?

  • When people say, or especially type, 'I could care less', instead of 'I couldn't care less'

    If you could care less, then you actually care.
    January 2009: Goodbye TR (13 weeks) February 2010: Welcome DD1! March 2011: Welcome DD2! Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Elbows on the table, chewing like a horse, peeing with the bathroom door open, farting and thinking its funny in public... those are just a few.
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  • I hate when people put the toilet paper on the roll the wrong way.  It doesn't matter where I am... If I see that it needs to be corrected... I fix it.  haha


    We said goodbye to our sweet Taylor Ashley on August 8, 2012.We lost baby Noelle on May 1, 2015

    Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!
  • I have a lot of driving related ones:

    People who drive in the passing lane, going at or under the speed limit.

    People who don't use turn signals.

    People who ride my , especially in bad weather.

    People who don't use cruise contro



  • imagerevlaurawittman:
    I hate when people put the toilet paper on the roll the wrong way.  It doesn't matter where I am... If I



  • Pet peeve is when someone gets changed and leave their clothes on the floor instead of putting it in the hamper of laundry room !!!!
  • Most of my pet peeves are in driving situations.

    1. Driving slow in the left lane.  The left lane is for passing, if you aren't passing then MOVE OUT THE WAY!  

    2. Not using your blinker when making a turn.

    3. Braking at a

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  • imagePrettyInPearls23:

    I have a lot of driving related ones:

    People who drive in the passing lane, going at or under the spee

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    Toby, my furry baby
  • imageBamgal25:



  • I have another one -- a co-irker who walks past my desk and ALWAYS turns to look and see what I'm doing. Every. Single. Time. This wouldn't be so annoying except it's the same co-irker who clips all 10 of his fingernails at his desk once a week.



  • I hate it when people drive slow in the left lane. I am also super particular about toilet paper going on the right way.
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  • I have too many to count. Right now it is people who have decided to make any sell-from-home job their 'real' job:  I'm talking to you Stella & Dot, get off my FB feed and out of my in-box.
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  • imagePrettyInPearls23:

    This post is stemmed from my co-irker who overuses the word "thus". Makes me stabby.

    What are your NBR

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  • One of my big ones is when a person spells the word 'definitely' wrong. I read a blog where the writer consistently does that and I want to smash my face on the keyboard. She completely botches it and spells it 'defanately'... 

    My other pet

    DH and I are both 25
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  • Oh this post makes me so happy!!
    My list of top pet peeves are:
    People who wear sunglasses indoors.ugh.
    People who laugh insanely loud for no apparent reason. Just loud people in general.
    And people who begin their sentences with
  • imageMbaddas:
    Oh this post makes me so happy!! My list of top pet peeves are: People who wear sunglasses indoors.ugh</st



  • over (and improper) use of the word literally (no, your head did not literally explode)

    poor table manners

    bad grammar and spelling ("let me get" is not an appropriate substitution for "May I please have") 

    BFP #1 - Mango - 6/11/12, EDD 2/22/12 Natural MC 7/15/12
    BFP #2 - Nacho - 10/14/12, EDD 6/20/13, MMC 8 weeks, D&C 11/16/12
    All testing shows both H and I are perfectly normal. Baby Nacho had triploidy. 
    Back to normal business December 2012
    BFP #3 - Froggy - 1/15/13, EDD 9/27/13 TEAM GREEN
    It's a girl! Alice - Born 9/20/13, 8lbs 2oz

  • my grammar peeve - When people say "I" when it should be "me".  As in, just between you and I or want to go to dinner with Jessica and I?
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  • Bad table manners! I'm not talking elbows on the table, but if I can see your food in your mouth or hear you chomping I could climb over the table and stab you with a fork! This has been a pet peeve as long as I can remember. I got excused from the tab
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  • imageVleggieri:
    Pet peeve is when someone gets changed and leave their clothes on the floor instead of putting it in the hamper of laun
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  • I can't stand "aint" or "i seen". I have a co worker who always says things like "i seen her at the store". It is so unintelligent sounding. I want to yell "saw! Idiot!"

    Hate people who friggin are on your side of the road or in your lane be
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  • I hate it when people use "like" when they're writing something. Ex: "I'm like, so excited for my u/s". I get that you probably say it in your regular conversation, but why type it?? (fwiw, it annoys me in regular conversation, too.. but not as mu



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  • imageachadwick19:
    I can't stand "aint" or "i seen". I have a co worker who always says things like "i seen her at the store". It is so u
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  • I have another one! Barking dogs. Or any dog for that matter. I have one, any of you non dog people haters want him??!! I can deliver! Half joking on hating dogs, but I think it is a pregnancy hormone thing with me because I felt this way when I was
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  • I like this post!!! I am especially fond of all of the grammar pet peeves.

    I cannot stand when people misuse good and well, or adjectives and adverbs, in general. Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. Adverbs modify verbs and adjectives. It's
  • Lazy people who don't return the shopping cart to where it belongs, when people use 'text speak' even in text messages, the inability of so many people to use lose and loose correctly, and when people have loud personal conversations on their cell phones
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  • imagePrettyInPearls23:
    I have another one -- a co-irker who walks past my desk and ALWAYS turns to look and see what I'm doing. Eve
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  • Every single one of the above!! Also when MH doesn't rinse a dish/pot/pan after he uses it. Then when I come along to load the dishwasher (because an incorrectly loaded dishwasher is another pet peeve) I have to soak and scrape the damn thing before I can
    **Baby #3 is on the way!**
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  • I just realized I have a new one!

    So I am sitting here enjoying my sandwich (because lately it is easier to either get to-go somewhere or get JJ delivered) when someone stops at my desk, hovers over my food, and says "Oooh that looks good... W

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  • Sorry for being a post hog... I thought of another one.

    I can't stand when people who display little or no moral values quote the bible. It makes me sad that some of them represent the Christian faith so eagerly with words but their actions
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  • Lots of things!!! Example, yesterday, everyone was wishing everyone a "Happy St. Patties Day" or "Patty." Last time I checked, it was St. Patrick's day, not St. Patricia's Day.
  • I hate when people pronounce un such as unintentional like on - onintentional. Hate that.

    And when people don't rinse off their dishes before putting them in the sink. I won't wash them if there's old nasty food stuck to them. Nopee. 

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  • People who slurp their coffee, soup, cereal etc. Its obnoxious and gross

    People who use all caps in emails, so unprofessional looking

    People who use incorrect grammar and spelling in emails.. those little green and red lines under your word

    BFP#1.11/2/12-EDD 7/16/13-M/C.11/6/12
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  • At the grocery store, when people leave their cart in the middle of the aisle to go look for something. You're not the only one here, get the eff out of my way! Or when I'm standing in line to check out, and the person behind me stands super close. Especi
    DS-"Sprocket" born 3.27.11 Baby #2- due 9.10.13 BabyFruit Ticker
  • imageEcstatic83:

    I just realized I have a new one!

    So I am sitting here enjoying my sandwich (because lately it is easier

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    Toby, my furry baby
  • I could write a book about my pet peeves I think.

    Another one, ghetto thumpers! Whats that you ask? Well, it's those aholes who think everyone wants to hear their ghetto beats. Yup. Ghetto thumpers.
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  • Mine are all about the table manners. 

    1.Talking with food in your mouth

    2. Chewy with mouth open

    3. Slurping anything

    4. Burping at table

    5. People who are rude to waitstaff in restaurants

    6. Cursing at the

  • imagerevlaurawittman:
    I hate when people put the toilet paper on the roll the wrong way. nbsp;It doesn't matter where I am... If I see t
  • I've got plenty of pet peeves but right now a big one is the complete inability of the people in this city to yield to one effing side of the sidewalk!!! They walk willy nilly every which way and it makes me nuts. They also walk next to each other filling
  • imageSweetPeaK26:
    When people say, or especially type, 'I could care less', instead of 'I couldn't care less' If you could care l
    Boy 10.6.13
    Labored at freestanding birth center using hypnobirthing techniques
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