Working Moms

Pumping and Jury Duty

Has anyone had to do this? I have never had jury duty until now, and I don?t want to get out of it as I am rather excited, but I don't know what to do about the pumping. I filled out the paperwork not even thinking about pumping until I went on a business trip last week. First off, I don't know how long I'm actually going to be there...a few hours or the entire day. I usually pump 3x at work, although I think I can get away with pumping before I get there, once at lunch but may need one more time. Do I need to ask/tell somebody about pumping, if so, who? Is there a room you think, or would I have to go to the bathroom? I don't know if they'll let you go out to your car? I'm probably way over thinking this. My husband, an attorney, has a huge case with jury selection the same day so if I end up on his case I am out anyway but I really want to serve so I am hoping that does not happen. I am just trying to think ahead incase I am out several days I don't want it to impact my supply. Thanks!

ETA: I asked my husband but he did not know just that he was not sure if I could even leave the building for lunch

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Re: Pumping and Jury Duty

  • In my state, they give you even more paperwork to fill out when you show up the first day- just let them know you'll need a break and space to be able to pump- and let them know the approximate schedule.  I have a feeling they'll probably dismiss you
    BabyFetus Ticker; Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hey there. I'm a lawyer (and have breastfed 2 children) and can tell you that all of the answers to your questions are going to depend on what jurisdiction you're in. For example, some states have laws about having to provide a place for pumping moms.
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  • Wow.  I swear I put paragraph breaks in that novel I just wrote.  Sorry for the big 'ol block of text.
  • Juries get lots of breaks typically. Usually one bathroom break in the morning, a lunch of at least an hour, and one or two afternoon breaks. And you can talk to the deputy before you are brought into the courtroom about a good place to pump. Bring a cool
    DS: 2/17/11          DD: 9/4/13
  • imagethedash:
    Juries get lots of breaks typically. Usually one bathroom break in the morning, a lunch of at least an hour, and one


  • I got called for Jury Duty when I was pumping with D1. I went, sat through the intro and they said to go to the room across the hall for any further questions. I went to ask where the pumping room was and they immediately excused me for a year.  I wa
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  • A friend of mine was able to get out of Jury duty because of pumping/breastfeeding.  It's worth a shot.
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  • imagesnicksnack:

    My husband, an attorney, has a huge case with jury selection the same day so if I end up on his case I am out anyw

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  • I was called for Jury duty while BF DS, I told the guy I was BF and had no problem pumping becuase I do it at work that I just wanted to make sure there was a space available. I wasn't trying to get out of it but he got flustered and said they'll put me b
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