I'm not sure why my LO isn't sttn anymore. The only thing I can think of is that she's having bad dreams.. but I'm not sure. She is 2 and had been sttn since she was about 12 months old. She will now sometimes wake up crying at 12 am or 2 am.. last night it was both. She will ask for her cup when I ask what's wrong. I give her a cup of water and she goes back to sleep.
Now she always wants to sleep with her cup of water. I know this isn'tgood. Especailly with her potty training.
Any guesses as to why she would regress? Any ideas to replace the cup?
She is done with teeth with exception of her 2 yr molars which aren't yet coming in. She's not sick. She is doing well with everything. She takes good naps... I just want her to sttn because I'm expecting and soon will have to wake up every 3 hrs with baby
Re: bad dreams?
We have a different issue (lots of sleeping fear after a bad dream) so I don't think our strategies will help, but know you're not alone in the sleep disturbances.
I'd probably leave a closeable sippy cup in her crib/bed. I agree, it's a li
BFP #2 5/27/12. EDD 2/1/13. m/c and D&C 6/21/12.