
Trigger shot today when to have sex?

Hi. I'm on second round of clomid and had a 13 day scan today which showed a 26mm follicle. Unfortunately my LH was low 9 so I was given a trigger shot. The nurse said to wait until tomorrow to BD and then do it again the next night but I think I should do it tonight with a follicle that large???? I have ovulation pain and I just don't want to miss it. Any advice???

TTC since mid-2011---Husband and I both late 20's---
Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and dye test in Sep 2012- moderate endometriosis removed---
Diagnosed with unexplained infertility---
Clomid cycle 1 in Feb 2013- BFN---
Clomid cycle 2 in Mar 2013- BFN---
IVF #1 in May 2013- BFN---
IVF #2 in August 2013-BFN---
Endometrial biopsy identified high natural killer cells---
FET #1 in Oct 2013-delayed---
FET #1 in Nov 2013 with Intralipids-BFN---
FET #2 in January 2014- BFN---

IVF #3 in March 2014 (new doctor new plan)-BFFN
IVF #4 in June 2014 (last cycle with own eggs)- BFN
IVF #5 in September 2014 (with donor eggs)- BFP plus 6 frozen blasts :)


 May Emerald / August Shooting Star / October Precious Pumpkin / November Harvest Hopeful / January Snowdrops / March Shimmering Shamrocks / June Bugs

Re: Trigger shot today when to have sex?

  • You should ovulate 36 hours after you took the shot. My RE tells me to BD the night of the trigger and then we schedule an IUI for 36 hours post trigger.
    I had a lot of cramping my first cycle with the trigger and thought I ovulated early. My RE did
    Me 36/DH 46 Me: Low AMH (.21) DOR, mild endo; Started seeing RE 11/12
    Jan-March '13 3 IUIs Clomid + Trigger = BFN
    April '13 IVF 1 MDLF converted to 4th IUI due to 3 runaway follicles! BFN
    July/Aug '13 IVF 1.2 Long Lupron = 7R, 6F, 2T= BFP!!!
    Beta 1=512, Beta 2=1,368 Beta 3= 4,128
    It's a boy!!!!
    SUA, GD
    EDD 4/26/14

    He's Here! Arrived 4/15/14!!!!

    September 2015 - FET with remaining embryos
    Twins! EDD: 6/14/15

    PAIF/SAIF Everyone welcome!
  • imagePhillyJ33:
    You should ovulate 36 hours after you took the shot. My RE tells me to BD the night of the trigger </strong
    TTC our first, both age 29 BFP#1 Twins, Missed MC with complications (long story) BFP#2 CP DX: DH-no issues Me-PAI-1 1/2013 Hysteroscopy/Laparoscopy to remove polyp and adhesions March 2013 IUI #1 with Follitism + Trigger
  • Loading the player...
  • Sperm can live 2-3 days (up to 5) inside you, so if you bd tonight and tomorrow (and the next day, lol) you should have plenty of swimmers waiting to ambush that egg when she comes out to play! Good luck & have fun! :-P
    Married 2007
    3 Clomid IUIs -- BFNs
    IVF #1 never made it to transfer
    On "egg health" cocktail DHEA/CoQ10/FRC/Pregnitude/Melatonin
    Starting IVF #2 for Feb 2013
    Cancelled mid-cycle due to high P4 levels early on.
    OCPs again for IVF 2.5 mid-March. IVF 2.5 transferred two "gorgeous" 5-day blasts and BFFN. Even REI is baffled
    On indefinite hold until a huge stroke of serendipity led me to IVF 3 May 2014
    Testing found positive cardiolipins/APS, now on lovenox and intralipid infusions
    Transfer of 2 5-day blasts and (FINALLY) BFFP!! 1st ultrasound shows two sacs and two HB, but one is sluggish, almost expecting vanishing twin Subsequent ultrasound confirmed vanishing twin, but my other Little critter looks fantastic!
    "You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."
    -- Margaret Thatcher

  • ttc23ttc23 member
    Thanks everyone. It's weird that we were told that ovulation occurs 42 hours after trigger whereas others were told differently. We ended up BD on same day as trigger and then tonight as well. Hopefully we can try again tomorrow if we're not over it IYKWI

    TTC since mid-2011---Husband and I both late 20's---
    Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and dye test in Sep 2012- moderate endometriosis removed---
    Diagnosed with unexplained infertility---
    Clomid cycle 1 in Feb 2013- BFN---
    Clomid cycle 2 in Mar 2013- BFN---
    IVF #1 in May 2013- BFN---
    IVF #2 in August 2013-BFN---
    Endometrial biopsy identified high natural killer cells---
    FET #1 in Oct 2013-delayed---
    FET #1 in Nov 2013 with Intralipids-BFN---
    FET #2 in January 2014- BFN---

    IVF #3 in March 2014 (new doctor new plan)-BFFN
    IVF #4 in June 2014 (last cycle with own eggs)- BFN
    IVF #5 in September 2014 (with donor eggs)- BFP plus 6 frozen blasts :)



     May Emerald / August Shooting Star / October Precious Pumpkin / November Harvest Hopeful / January Snowdrops / March Shimmering Shamrocks / June Bugs

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