Cloth Diapering

Prowraps with vinyl?

Hi! I don't post often, but have posted before. I am due next Monday with a little girl. Yesterday I went to one of those huge baby consignment sales and was thrilled when I ran into 3 newborn prowraps in decent shape for 6. I came home and typed in the brand name, they were the color ones marketed under "a better world company", and found out these covers have vinyl aka PVC in them.

My husband and I are cloth diapering mainly to keep chemicals away from our daughter. Would you be concerned with these covers or not because they won't be directly touching her skin and they're well loved so presumably have already off gased significantly? Anyone use these and like them? Thanks so much!
TTC since Jan2011
BFP#1 11-23-2011 EDD 08-01-12 -- early miscarriage 11-27-2011 @ 4W4D
DX hashimoto's hypothyroidism Jan2012
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Re: Prowraps with vinyl?

  • Your only completely chemical free option would be wool covers...

    ETA as for the covers, I figure it's a lot less chemical exposure than he would get with disposables...
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  • imagethemrsbird:
    Your only completely chemical free option would be wool covers...

    ETA as for the covers, I figure it's a
    TTC since Jan2011
    BFP#1 11-23-2011 EDD 08-01-12 -- early miscarriage 11-27-2011 @ 4W4D
    DX hashimoto's hypothyroidism Jan2012
    BFP#2 5-14-2012 EDD 01-21-13 -- early miscarriage 05-17-2012 @ 4W3D
    BFP#3 7-15-2012 EDD 03-29-13
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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  • imagebaby&thesea:
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  • efs83efs83 member
    I just wanted to add that I bought one of these thinking it was the same as the original pro-wraps, but with colored PUL and I was super disasspointed. It fell apart after a few washes, and I hated the inner vinyl. It stained terribly, and held onto smell
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