January 2013 Moms


Anyone using these yet? DS has awesome head control and literally tries to jump out of our arms he is wanting to "go". 

If you do, which one do you have, pros/cons. TIA! 

Henry Cavill...You're welcome!


BFP #3: EDD 1/10/13 **DS born 12/30/12!!!**
BFP #2: MC 7/2/11 @ 12 weeks
**Missing our February '12 LoveBug**
BFP #1: MMC discovered on 12/6/10



Re: Jumperoos/exersaucers

  • I would defininitely do an exersaucer before a jumparoo as my jumparoo says not until 4 months AND good head control...and with the type of motion that can happen, yes I'm waiting for that point because I'm afraid of my impatience getting DS hurt.
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  • I wouldn't rush DS into a "toy" without feeling he was ready. I'm a researcher and I like to do my homework before buying. There are so many out there, it's overwhelming. The grandmas have been asking what DS needs next for potential Easter gifts so I tho

    Henry Cavill...You're welcome!


    BFP #3: EDD 1/10/13 **DS born 12/30/12!!!**
    BFP #2: MC 7/2/11 @ 12 weeks
    **Missing our February '12 LoveBug**
    BFP #1: MMC discovered on 12/6/10



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  • DS loved the FP Rainforest Jumperoo (so did my 3yr old niece at her time); I think he was a little under 4 months when he started using it. We never got an excersaucer
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  • Good question...I'll be curious to see what folks reco. We have a jumps too, but definitely will be 4 months before anyone is big enough ... never mind head control!!

    We don't have a exersaucer, but definitely would consider one, depending on
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  • imagekaren_loy:
    DS loved the FP Rainforest Jumperoo (so did my 3yr old niece at her time); I think he was a little under 4 months w
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  • DD started using her rainforest jumperoo at 3.5 mos. She had great head control and we never left her alone in it. However, she was over it by 5 mos because she didn't like being contained (and still doesn't!).
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  • imagekaren_loy:
    DS loved the FP Rainforest Jumperoo (so did my 3yr old niece at her time); I think he was a little under 4 months w

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  • We bought the Fischer Price Rain Forest Jumperoo used. We put her in it a couple of times when we are sitting right there with her and she liked the rocking sensation she got from it. Granted it was only for a few minutes at a time.
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  • We also have a FP rainforest jumparoo and a friend gave me her Baby Einstein exersaucer. FTM so I'm not sure what's best, but that's what we have. I think my DS is itching to jump. He pushes his legs up while in his rock n' play and has figured out that
  • We have both. DD liked them equally, I think, until she decided she didn't want to be contained. The nice thing about exersaucers is a lot of times they can be stabilized, so once she didn't want to be in it any more, she would cruise around the outsid

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