I just saw an advert for Shi Tzu.Yorkie mix puppies with the headline as 'In perfect time for Easter Baskets'... Really? This has gotta be my biggest pet peeve.
Meh. My sister and I actually got bunnies in our Easter baskets one year. My dad and Gpa built us a hutch and they lived happily for 10 years or so. I know not all Easter pets get the same loving treatment, but some are loved and taken care of for their l
It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid
I generally dislike pets as gifts. Obviously there are people who think it through, but many are impulse buys without much thought put into the actual care of the animal after the holiday is over.
I hate designer dog breeders. It should be outlawed completely. Too many dogs die because they aren't tiny little teacup genetic malfunctions that fit in a coach purse.
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Re: Really?
Poor nana! Two hours, no replies!
I dislike advertising pets as gifts too, so not a good idea.