had a quick and easy labor and delivery and feel amazing in the days to follow, especially since being home. no pain, very minimal bleeding and just loving up our new boy. hope everyone still pregnant has the best experience also. BF question is.... i have never even tried with my other kids but figured i would try this time. he took to it great and i only have a little pain when he first latches on not while he is nursing, however he seems to never leave my breast! he will nurse up to two hours sometimes, is he not getting enough? my milk has come in and he is going to the bathroom regularly and pooping each time. just not sure if that is normal.
DD #1 1-31-02 DD#2 9-26-08 BFP#3 1-31-02 mc 2-23-12 BFP #4 EDD 3-22-13
Re: feeling amazing and BF question and baby pic
Yes totally normal! Glad you are doing so well! 3 weeks and 6 weeks he also nursed constantly!