I havent been on in a while but i have some great news for those of you who know whats been going on with DH and all of his kidney stuff.
DH received a kidney transplant Wednesday morning! I've been staying at the hospital with him this whole time, I just gained the strength to deal with bumping on my iPad. C has been staying with my ILs and my parents. Out dog misses us more than our son does apparently.
tl;dr from here
It was completely out of the blue. The transplant team called us Tuesday morning at 1:30am to tell us to stay by our phones because DH was "on call" and second in line for a kidney transplant. At about 9am they called and told us that he was now the primary candidate for the transplant but they still had to do some tests. At 2 his doctor called us and told us that it was a go (cue jumping and crying) and we needed to be at the hospital by 7 to check in after DHs dialysis treatment. At this point we were STILL cautiously optimistic about the transplant since he has a high antibody rate (he's really difficult to match with a donor). Transplant was scheduled for 6 am. They wheeled his bed down at 5:50 and he went straight in to the operating room. He was in there until about 1:30. The whole time he was in there I was sitting in the waiting room in shock. Did this really just happen?!
We're so happy and still kind of in shock. Even his doctor was like, "I did NOT expect you to have a kidney this soon, let alone a cadaver." It's been a crazy week. He's being discharged on Monday. I've never known him off of dialysis so this is going to be a great new chapter in out lives. Squeeeee!!
Re: Guess what guise??
that's why it's so important for people to be organ donors. congratulations to you and your DH!!
Liam Dean | 09.11.12 | 6lbs 13oz
::You Don't Know Me, Buttttt...::
This is such awesome news! I hope he has a full and speedy recovery!
That's wonderful news!
First we had eachother.5.27.11
Then we had you.6.16.12
Now we have everything.
That is fantastic news!
I'm so happy for your husband and your family
“I’d marry again if I found a man who had $15 million and would sign over half of it to me before the marriage and guarantee he’d be dead in a year.” - Bette Davis