
Help! Baths to Showers.

We have one bathtub in our house, but numerous showers. We of course discovered this evening that our bathtub was leaking into the laundry room--when it is being drained. 

So of course until we get it repaired and fixed, my daughter who LOVES baths--but the one time she had a shower last summer--just freaked out!

Plus, with a toddler--do you have to shower with them? I fully anticipate showering her being a nightmare and a half. Like I can't even figure out the logistics of it. Especially since I typically do bath time by myself since DH works later. I always sit next to her by the bathtub, wash her hair and let her play. I am not looking forward to bath time the next couple of weeks.

Any suggestions? 

My daughter is my hero.

Re: Help! Baths to Showers.

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