We have one bathtub in our house, but numerous showers. We of course discovered this evening that our bathtub was leaking into the laundry room--when it is being drained.
So of course until we get it repaired and fixed, my daughter who LOVES baths--but the one time she had a shower last summer--just freaked out!
Plus, with a toddler--do you have to shower with them? I fully anticipate showering her being a nightmare and a half. Like I can't even figure out the logistics of it. Especially since I typically do bath time by myself since DH works later. I always sit next to her by the bathtub, wash her hair and let her play. I am not looking forward to bath time the next couple of weeks.
Any suggestions?
Re: Help! Baths to Showers.
Keep the shower pressure low, the temperature very, very moderate (even cool) and the shower head pointed low or to the wall. Take your time getter her used to it. My kids didn't like it at first either and now they love it.
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