Toddlers: 24 Months+

potty training for naps?

How do you do it?  We just started potty training during the day for DD about a month ago and she does really well.  But she can't move up to the next class in preschool until she's nap trained.  How do you do it?

And if they still nap at home (only in preschool 2 days/wk) do you leave them in the room with the door open?  I'm afraid DD would wander around the house and not nap with that type of freedom. 

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Re: potty training for naps?

  • My pedi said that you can't nap train a kid.  It happens when it happens.  She said the best you can do is make sure they go right before nap.  We do this with Chloe and she wakes up dry about twice a week.

    We close her door at nap

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  • Like pp, all you can do is make sure she uses the potty right before nap and soon as she wakes up.
    We close the door when DS naps.
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  • I don't think you can train for any sort of sleep. When she's able to stay dry for a couple hours (or more), she may start being able to stay dry for nap. We are usually good as long as DD2 goes potty before her nap. If she refuses or "doesn't have to

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • Like others said you can't really sleep PT. DS got nap "trained" at the same time he got day PT, but honestly it's just because he pees before nap and my kid naturally seems to go a loooong time between going to the bathroom. So, if he pees before a 2 hou
  • Another ditto everyone else. DD1 has been day time potty trained for about 9 months now, but is just now nap time "trained." After about a week and a half of dry diapers we decided to let her sleep in undies and see what happens, and she's stayed dry t

    Mama to two sweet girls
    DD1 Feb 2010
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