March 2013 Moms

Exercise after c-section?

I'm just wondering when I will be able to lift and actually exercise more than a walk? I had my c-section exactly two weeks ago and I feel back to my normal self! I know I am now allowed to drive again, but am I also allowed to lift more than baby? My doctor scheduled my next appointment for five weeks from last week and I forgot to ask him about this....It can't be five weeks until I'm allowed to full out exercise again can it? 
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Re: Exercise after c-section?

  • You should wait for drs clearance to exercise. Maybe walking would be ok, but I wouldn't do too much bc the internal stitches take time to heal.
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  • imageMrs MoJoRisin:
    You should wait for drs clearance to exercise. Maybe walking would be ok, but I wouldn't do too much bc the int
    DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS- 3/20/13 
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  • imageSarahRae85:

    imageMrs MoJ
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  • imagesdemilio1231:
    DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS- 3/20/13 
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  • No suggestions but this gives me hope I will feel better in two weeks.  My issue right now is the section between my belly button and incision feels like sun burn.

    Glad you are able to start little walks.  I can't wait.

  • imagesmfdjo:

    No suggestions but this gives me hope I will feel better in two weeks.  My issue right now is the section between

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  • I'm pretty sure it's at least 6 weeks. I already have my routine set on my calendar for week 7. :-) Our gym daycare starts at 6 weeks, so even if I wanted to lift before then, I'd have to figure out childcare. I can't wait to lift again without an extra 4
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
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    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I really hope I'm feeling back to normal within two weeks. So far it has been 4 days since my c-section and I'm still experiencing a lot of pain. Getting out of bed is about the closest thing to exercise I can handle.
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  • imagestocka96:
    I really hope I'm feeling back to normal within two weeks. So far it has been 4 days since my c-section and I'm stil
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