
Choosing a scheduled c-section or vaginal birth....daunting decision!

At my dr. appt yesterday, the dr presented me with the choice of a scheduled c-section or to try for a vaginal birth. What a heavy decision to make!!

Both babies are transverse and twin b is breech as of yesterday. I understand they can flip around right up until delivery.

On one hand, a scheduled c-section seems like the safest route for their current position along with the nice convenience of having a scheduled birth (& my lady parts somewhat still intact ;) Also, having the possibility of birthing twin A vaginally, but still requiring a c-section for twin B weighs heavy on my mind. 

On the other hand, having major surgery/recovery frightens me.

Did any of you have a choice? What did you choose?

Can you tell me your thoughts on c-section vs. vaginal birth  with multiples?

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Re: Choosing a scheduled c-section or vaginal birth....daunting decision!

  • I gave birth vaginally to my twins when I was 36 wks 1 day.  One was 5 lbs 8 oz and one was 5 lbs 13 oz.  The recovery was a thousand times better than the birth of my singleton.  I only needed one stitch.  I know its hard to make a de
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  • Here are my thoughts on the matter.... IF the babies get into the right position, and there is still time, vaginal birth is the safest for everyone involved. It helps the babies to get the fluid out of their lungs when they are squeezed in the birth ca

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  • I didn't have a choice because of positioning, but my c-section and recovery were a breeze.  You could have a positive or negative experience with either option, though.  I would suggest asking about how a c-section works at your hospital and

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  • I can't tell you what you should do, but here's what I would do (we were both head down). 

    Since they are transverse, c-section seems to be the safest. 

    If they weren't, I would suggest avoiding the section.  

    What inf

  • As of now, my Baby A is still not head down, so it may not even be my decision to make (if he stays breech).  On the other hand, if he does get into position, I really want a vaginal delivery -- but I'm also worried about the "double whammy," beca

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I wanted a vaginal delivery, but the decision was made for me since my OB wasn't on call the day the MFM decided the babies should be born and he was the only one who would attempt a vaginal delivery w/ Baby B still breech (even though A was vertex and

  • My first son was born via c-section due to a failed induction (I had high BP).  I was having strong contractions for several hours and never progressed past 2 cm.  My OB gave me the option of trying VBAC or doing the repeat c-section.  I am
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  • imagekristen6:
    My first son was born via c-section due to a failed induction (I had high BP).  I was having strong contraction
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  • Mine were both head down but after a long discussion with my mfm I scheduled a section. I was on the fence and I asked him what he would do if it were his wife and he said a csection. I guess he saw alot of scenarios where baby b was in distress for whate
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm in a similar boat, A is head down B is transverse. B has been flipping the whole time. I had a fantastic vag delivery with DS so I wanted the same this time. I have pretty much decided on Csection but didn't commit at yesterday's appt. prob Monday I w





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  • I was given the option, and I chose the vaginal delivery.  Both babies were head down, but all of the OBs in my practice were okay with doing a breech extraction, if necessary.  I was on hospital bedrest for a few weeks before I delivered. 
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  • I attempted a vertex/vertex vaginal birth, and ended up with the double whammy after Baby went breech coupled with a placental abruption. I'm not going to lie - it was terrifying. I needed a general and I went to sleep not knowing if my son would be ok

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  • I will never opt for a c-section, if the need arose for one I would absolutely have one but I would never schedule one.  Outcomes are usually better for babies born vaginally.  I also recently read a research article that looks at labor starting
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  • imagesrbmvp:

    Here are my thoughts on the matter.... IF the babies get into the right position, and there is still time, vaginal bir

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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