Baby Names

Will I hurt others feelings...

We like Etta Jane. Jane is my dh grandmas name and his moms middle name. We only plan on having one. Is this going to hurt my side of the families feelings? I would really love to use my Mimi's bc she was my favorite person in the world but her names don't quite suit us and neither do my mothers. Is there etiquette to doing this?
Mimi was Charla Mae
Mom is Amanda Sean

Re: Will I hurt others feelings...

  • Charlotte Jane? Charlotte as a nod to your Mimi and Jane for DH's family...

    Just a suggestion. I love the name Etta too.

    SAHM to 4 kiddos... K (5/05), N (4/09), C (11/10) and Baby A 1/13/14

  • I think it's fine. You should love the name and the meaning.
    DH and I are naming our son Parker to honor his grandmother. We're doing it because she is basically his hero and an amazing person overall.
    I don't plan on naming any future child
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  • I think Etta Jane is lovely.  I don't think it's "wrong" to name one child after a certain side of the family -- especially since you're not choosing TWO names from your husband's side.  You are choosing a first name you just like, and then f

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  • I have zero etiquette when it comes to future names of our children. I don't really care what people think, honestly.  I won't even use any family names. As far as using one and the other- who cares? It's your choice, and they'll get over it.  I

  • It's hard enough to pick a name without driving yourself nuts about your extended family's possible feelings. The name you chose is fine.

    If it's important to you to have a family name from your side, there's always the double middle:

  • imagemj.reilly:
    We can't tell you if their feelings will be hurt or not.Even if they are...honestly, tough. They need to get over it. It
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

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  • imagemj.reilly:

    We can't tell you if their feelings will be hurt or not.

    Even if they are...honestly, tough. They need to get

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    ~Benjamin Franklin

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  • imageplunderb:

    It's hard enough to pick a name without driving yourself nuts about your extended family's possible feelings. The na

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  • I think it's perfectly fine and only reasonable to only honor one side of the family with one child's name. One child can't honor numerous people and shouldn't. DH and I are taking turns; DD has a fn we love and a mn from my side and a future DD will have

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  • I wouldn't worry about it. She's your daughter, name her what you love.
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    susannah mary. 11/14

  • Go with Etta Jane if its what you love.
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