Attachment Parenting

Another night weaning post (22 month old)

Hi ladies I hope you can give some some insight into what it will be like to nightwean my 22 month old.  She falls asleep on her own (nurses, then goes to bed awake) but does not STTN. She sleeps in her own room in a crib and has since 7 months. I haven't nightweaned yet because she is maddeningly inconsistent.  She'll have a week of good sleep, and I'll think she is finally going to do it on her own.  Then she'll get sick, or be teething, or we'll go out of town, and she'll be up 1-4x a night again.  Last night, for example, she woke up at 11 (right as I was falling asleep, how do they know?!?!), 12, and 5:45.  I've been limiting the nursing-- counting to 60 to myself, switching sides, counting to 60 again, and then putting her back in bed, somewhat awake.  She is fine with that.

Anyway, my plan is go in, rub her back, lay next to the crib and comfort her.  I know a lot of people recommend sending Daddy in but the few times we've tried that it makes her completely hysterical.  So, one of my questions is, how long should I be prepared for her to cry?  And how many nights do you think it will take? 

Also, did your LO start STTN once they were nightweaned, or did they still need you to comfort them?

Thanks for any insight.  I really need a pep talk.  I know I need to do it because it makes me really grumpy and bitter towards her, but I keep putting it off. 

Re: Another night weaning post (22 month old)

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