Hi all. Our family is not new to food allergies--my 4 year old son has severe milk, egg, and peanut allergies. He was hospitalized for anaphylaxis at 4 months old because of dairy protein in my breastmilk. Ugh. We live in a super rural area, so common ingredients for food replacements aren't readily available. It has been a process, but we've finally mastered finding suitable and tasty replacements for ALMOST anything he would want to eat (Except cheese. If anyone has a delicious cheese substitute let me know! )
Just about the time I started feeling confident in my substituting capabilities, we discovered my littlest is also showing signs of allergies. We identified milk right away, and cutting that wasn't too bad since we're used to it, but now we've figured out soy is definitely a problem for him too. He will be going with my oldest to see the allergist in a few weeks, but until then I'm cutting soy from my diet as well. I fear egg and/or wheat are also going to be added to the list, but I'm trying not to get ahead of myself.
My question is that as I reserach soy, I keep seeing that research shows most people with a soy allergy can safely eat soybean oil and soy lecithin. In your experiences, is this true? The only child I've evern known with a soy allergy was not allowed to eat either of those things. Should I avoid them completely while breastfeeding, or can I likely eat them without consequence?
Thanks so much for your help!
Re: Intro and Question
Hi -
My oldest is allergic to dairy, egg, peanuts and tree nuts but up until age three he was also allergic to soy. While nursing (and when he went to solids) I avoided ALL soy including soybean oil and soy lecithin at the recommendation of