It's almost 2am, been in bed since 9 and can't sleep. I'm so tired my head hurts but can't fall asleep. Btw my massive baby bump, anxiety about csection in 4 days, feeling like crap, and DH's snoring... It's just not happening for me. And i have to get up and function in a few hours. On the couch now with a big cup of ice and HGTV. But I just want to sleep before this baby comes!! What is wrong with me? Grrrrr
Re: I just want to sleep!
Hope you got some sleep. I'm up with a sick baby. She wanted to watch Elmo at 3. I caved. I'd rather watch HGTV.
Good luck with the waiting. Those days are tough! You can do it, mama!
I'm up because DS smacked me in the face. His space heater stopped working last night and it's too cold in his room, so he slept with us. SO ende
I am in the same boat. DH has been gone all week, MIL keeps DS when I work in the morning (I have to be up at 4am), so I have been home by myself the last couple of nightS. I have slept like crap. DH will be home tomorrow and DS comes