Just read on People that Steve Madden just had a baby girl named Goldie Ryan. He also has twins Stevie (girl) and Jack. I actually really like Goldie, but I don't think I could use it in real life.
Funny, a friend of mine from my childbirth class just had her baby the other day, and they named her Goldie Jeanne. I was totally going to post about it too!
Re: Goldie
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
TTGP March Siggy Challenge
M/C 1/15 @ 6 weeks
RE 8/16
Monitored Clomid 11/15
M/C 12/16 @ 6 weeks
Clomid & Ovidrel Shot
M/C 2/16 @ 8 weeks
*Currently on Clomid (monitored) and waiting on tissue results.